This after driving all over God's delightful creation, up through Port Carling, up through Aspdin, Algonquin Park, through the winter deer yards looking for the dang things for a photo-op.
I think they need to talk to Tony Clement our in-your-face MP who twitters, and seems to understand this danged photo-op construct.
One must balance the mistakes with the forethought, born of previous mistakes, and notes-to-self...
#1 Note-to-self (NTS) heeded: put on bug spray.
NTS#2 heeded, took off the bear bell that I use when walking through the woods. One must act like a human to avoid acting like a bear and drawing bear attention. There weren't many bears in the wood in the rain with the bugs.
NTS#3 I put on a long-sleeved (Muskoka) sweat-shirt, and long pants and boots. No socks —Mistake #1. Blisters ensued. Grabbed both the videocam and digital camera, with a back-pack and the zoom lens. Good move.
Mistake #2: The camera battery was less than fully charged...
Mistake #3: no hat. Water dripped in hair, onto glasses, with the physical effort of delicately stepping to avoid breaking twigs to sneak up on said deer, my glasses fogged up and I couldn't adjust the camera settings to account for the darkness of the forest and the zoom lens. Good thing I am an amateur!

The poor thing has some sort of a wound. I hope he is OK.

I managed to take a lot of photos and the camera didn't konk out. Praise be. The video footage is a bit jerky, since I was quietly trying to swat at the bugs while trying to video. My Lordy the things I do for nature .
With great excitement I donned long-sleeves, pants and grabbed my cameras. I sprayed bug spray on neck and forehead, but forgot my hat. It was raining and this lovely wee buck was reportedly in our forest. The mosquitoes were horrible, you can hear them buzzing on the videotape. I came back bitten, drenched and blissfully happy.
I took my hubby back and the deer was sitting in the same spot. I was so careful to walk downwind, and stepped carefully, avoiding cracking twigs, then he heard and saw me after I had hidden behind trees to get a closer look. Good adventure.
I'm accustomed to deer in my backyard and still savor each encounter.
You got some really nice shots for your diligence and patience!
This made me smile. It's been YEARS since I saw a deer. We don't have them in the north.
A wonderful encounter.
This is evidently a deer that is acclimated to humans, probably by going to someones backyard feeder. Under the right circumstances deer will become quite trusting of humans. If you visit my blog, you will see some close-ups of deer. These deer are in an area where no doe hunting is permitted although some are killed each year when they stray from the property. I have known the pregnant doe in the photo, since she was a fawn in 2002, and see her almost every day. I can walk freely around her and be quite close to her. The rest of the deer have varying degrees of tolerance, but she is the tamest.
What a great story and wonderful post. I felt like I was right there with you! (minus the bug bites, of course)
So far, I haven't spotted any deer to photograph. You're so lucky! We certainly have hoards of them here, but I work too much to spend the time!
Nice photos and photo story!
How interesting that the deer was not afraid of you!
Jenn, I'll 'see' your deer photos, and 'raise' you some photos of our newest fawn!!!
Oh my gosh I enjoyed this post; thanks for taking us along on your woodsy walk -- and I didn't even feel the mosquitoes -- or the rain dripping down my neck. It was a great walk. And the pictures are terrific.
Jenn: What a fun pursuit, great video but didn't like the bugs. That last photo is a winner.
Wow! You sure are dedicated to this blogging stuff! I would not put up with all that, even if it did mean some great shots!
We just saw a group of three deers a few days ago, and looks like they want to cross the hi-way.
Really nice photos, Jenn!
Ha! I found myself swatting at my ears from the buzzing in the video (as I sit indoors at my computer!).
You were lucky to get these shots. What beautiful eyes! Love it! :)
So lovely!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I never come across deer this close. Amazing.
Was that a bug buzzing around you all the time you were filming?
Ah, Friko, they are was well worth it! Thousands!
Terrific photos of the deer! I don't envy your blackflies, nor the overpopulation of singing mosquitos. (Yes we have those critters here too). We do have some wild but friendly raccoons and no security fence wanted to keep them out. (Smile). ATB!
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