This just out:
Public beware - motor vehicle insurance scam in Ontario
NORTH BAY, ON, May 27 /CNW/ - The Canadian Anti-fraud Centre (formerly Phonebusters) and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are warning people who are seeking and obtaining automobile insurance, that fraudsters have been advertising fraudulent insurance premiums in Ontario newspapers and on websites.
Signs consumers need to be aware of are:
- Unusually low rates
- Everyone is accepted
- A phoney, invalid insurance slip is mailed or emailed to buyers after
they have sent their premium through Western Union or Money Gram.
Public beware - motor vehicle insurance scam in Ontario
NORTH BAY, ON, May 27 /CNW/ - The Canadian Anti-fraud Centre (formerly Phonebusters) and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are warning people who are seeking and obtaining automobile insurance, that fraudsters have been advertising fraudulent insurance premiums in Ontario newspapers and on websites.
Signs consumers need to be aware of are:
- Unusually low rates
- Everyone is accepted
- A phoney, invalid insurance slip is mailed or emailed to buyers after
they have sent their premium through Western Union or Money Gram.
I have blogged since 2005, with students. (Since retirement for fun.) We integrated technology to provide a more holistic experience. All of my students had an on-line portfolio of their work. Our parent-teacher, student-led conferences were primarily done on-line.
Scared the hell out of some of my principals, the others embraced my forward thinking.
I have given presentations on Internet Safety to parents and students. It is well worth it to monitor your children on the computer. Check browser history. Keep the computer in an open area. No webcams in bedrooms. See more at:
With many seniors in Muskoka's population (15%) we are a vulnerable group, especially if we do not understand the ways in which we may be preyed upon. Most of us understand about chat rooms, and the danger that those on-line may not be who they seem.
Critical thinking skills are crucial in this age. Too many are scammed, with identify theft, hackers, malware, trojans, a virus, pharming, phishing (sucking you into giving your password to a stranger), pornnapped Internet sites, typosquatting and mortgage fraud, being things that irk me. There is a whole new vocabulary designed for new, illegal activities.
Google typosquatting:
Typosquatting Costs Google Advertisers $497M/Yr Google may be profiting from typosquatters at the expense of online advertisers, according to a study from Harvard University professor...
Another scam up here, people phoning seniors telling them their grandkids are in jail and demanding bail money. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is called vishing, a derivation of phishing, all designed to conduct fraud over the phone.

I don't know if I have it right, but I do know what I see and read. And, like people yelling into cell phones in a restaurant, I want users of modern technology to think about what they are doing and why. New technology requires new ethical principles. Yes, you can use your crackberry in my presence, but just don't! Similarly, when I am being served in a store, don't answer the phone, or at least put them on hold and finish MY sale, rather than giving preference to the customer on the phone.
People of my generation learned to use computers in the work place when they first arrived on the scene. Now, the activities are blurry, as well as the morals, ethics and values.You can tell how old I am by the computer card scan on the left. That was while I was in high school in the 70s.
Immoral thieves target seniors, vulnerable luddites, but also those who survive by using their artistic talents; visual arts, literacy skills, photography or pottery come to mind, should have their property protected. The other vulnerable part of our population are the artisans who are subject to the vagaries of the climate and the tourists.
The young 'uns laugh at us old farts whom they accuse of not understanding technology, but we were the ones who learned to use Skype with grandkids. For fun, not profit!
Many of us are on Facebook (FB) to socialize with kids or Grand Kids (and we think they are all grand!). Many of us send digital photos back and forth. We e-mail and talk to our kids on Skype. It is a marvellous tool. It is the best thing about technology!
Most of us are creeped out by the Facebook breaches of privacy, most of us do not undertand, and this is an issue of which bloggers need to be aware. It comes down to Internet Safety and wise use of the technology. The latest scam, is someone bulk commenting to me on YouTube and various others:
" love your videos.
you should check out this website: [site deleleted by me!] , it wil [sic] help you get more subscribers and views on your videos really easily.
you should check out this website: [site deleleted by me!] , it wil [sic] help you get more subscribers and views on your videos really easily.
Sent to: canadianshow, newlifek9rescue, dfeclan, harrisonford96, donnadulcinea, tigerkim2, shadic253, j3nnyj1ll, artreflection, hulkgreenlaser175, fingerlive98, supersilverina, bumpinalong, villedaluz, ultrafur, hanshorseback, crystalcatdesigns, danielbreslauer, lancerdoubleosleven, britchesaandhose"
All they want, of course, is your cell phone number. I don't know anyone that know that. It is for outgoing and emergencies.
Now, my videos are for family, friends, and fans. Period. For fun. My blog is to share the pitfalls and the joys of being in Muskoka, or on the 'net. I used to teach this to students, parents and colleagues. It keeps my hand in and it is fun. But be warned. Think about how you use the Internet.
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