THere was a great response...
The Globe is upping readership by holding a 'live debate'. What is the point of this? We just keep doing what we do best: putting one foot in front of the other and caring for families, writing about it, reading about it, and keeping family life together.
Female bloggers across Canada did what comes naturally and responded with their own posts. Annie Urban from notes that her blog is one of the 2,500 woman-written blogs that are part of the BlogHer network, which reaches more than 20 million people each month: "So, while I can't identify with Wente's assertion that bloggers are overwhelmingly men, I can offer a partial explanation for that nightmare gender gap she was talking about.
"When influential women are ignorant to the numerous women's voices on the Internet, when the voices of many women are dismissed as endearing, cute and girly, and when the voices of those women who are most oppressed are ignored altogether, that gender gap is perpetuated. Thank you, Margaret, for proving your own point about how hard it is to change the conversation."
Another Globe and Mail 'column', with yet another unresearched opinion piece. I work hard at presenting my interpretation of facts. My point of view is backed by opinions based on information and facts.
Margaret Wente, whom I read more often than not, who actually does research on educational articles (in the past)...her question?
What an insult to the fine communities of women who support one another as mothers, as parents, as entrepreneurs, farmers, resort owners, home schoolers, educators, as retirees, senior women, health educators...
I swear, she wrote this...someone even chose it as her title!!!
Then she proceeded to put the other foot in her mouth:
It's not just blogs that tilt strongly male. The people who call in to talk shows are mostly men; so are those who post comments on mainstream-media websites. These days, you don't even have to start a blog to get an audience. All you have to do is write “Margaret Wente is an idiot” and hit send. Instant gratification!
Well, if the shoe fits! She proceeds to male-bash, and to make pronouncements about men. Sets back the women's movement 40 years!
It is amazing how 'journalism' has been replaced by blog posts disguised as articles and colum
ns. Where is the research? Where are the facts? Leah Maclaren is as bad, and has been denigrated by many in female blogs: Wow, Globe and Mail. This is great. [posted by Megan at Reflections in the Snow-Covered Hills - 4 days ago] after a pretty trite article by McLaren.
Now, Ms. Wente has joined the group? Shame Globe and Mail. Just give me the news. I will interpret the facts. Yes, I have blogged about this before...
Journalism vs. responsible communication,&
Muskoka's sodden summer of discontent
"This year, the Ontario cottageocracy doesn't deserve your envy"! Muskoka is one of the beautiful places to be in this world. And we aren't all rich and famous. As if! I have photos of sunny days and joyful times by the lake.With serious issues like, Gendercide, or International Women's Day or Death in scary places or the war on women...she is male-bashing. Not for me. I am glad I cannot have the Globe delivered to my rural door. I can choose to read any other number of news items when I want.
I read and write a number of blogs.I don't read them based on their gender, or their age [e.g., BLoggers over age 50] , their spiritual philosophy, or the colour of their skin.
I am a woman.
I like to read blogs by people, however, I don't judge them by the writer's gender. Shame.
Bloggers are male? I wasn't aware of that. Some bloggers, sure. Some famous and very good bloggers, sure. But I'd like to see some evidence before accepting any statement like "the blogosphere is dominated by men". I would guess that of the blogs in my reader, over half of them are maintained by women.
Newspapers used to have standards, you know.
It's true, Megan! "Used to"
No wonder the newspaper industry is in trouble!!!
I'm with you, Jenn!
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend
Comfort Spiral
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