To see crocus raising their heads to the sunshine, well - need I say more? I did see them. This isn't an archival photo!
On our walkabout, taking the cats for their daily exercise, I called hubby over! The green clover looks beautiful, too. Speaking of green...
Green beer, what is not to love?

The pub was hopping with fun!
Now, the shoulder seasons in Muskoka are the best. Restaurants are running full tilt. The kids are still in school, there are no lineups at the stores, it is warm and peaceful on land sea and air.
The flowers have begun growing, and the tourists haven't crowded us out of town.

How many shovels do I need? Define 'need'! One for the back door, one for the front, one for the dock, the basement door...roof rakes...(two in the shed) we've got them all. I used all of them when we had 60 cm of snow in December.
The Raucous Ravens, about which I blogged the other day, have been busy. I captured this one on the ice.

This Lake Buccaneer began showing up last April, I captured this photo in July, and it is becoming more frequent. I wrote, lovingly, about the sounds of spring! This is getting ridiculous, however, with the number of small planes, unregulated, in our little skies.
There are mumblings about the cost of the G8:
the new signage is lovely, towns are beefing up streetscape plans, there will be a demand on water, infrastructure, housing, security and Hunstville will host the G8 in 2010, read my posts about the impact to 'locals'.
Fencing contracts: Fowler snags $3.9-million G8 contract
"Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), the major purchaser of products for various federal departments, has confirmed contracts with two organizations on behalf of the RCMP."
The G8 Summit, June 25-26, for only eight world leaders, there are great expectations of: international media, protesters and thousands of support staff and bureaucrats to the Muskoka area. Out tax dollars are work. Heaven help us!
Oh, dear. The idea of hosting a summit sounds exciting...until you start thinking about all the ramifications. Hang in there! This too shall pass. :)
Jenn: Definitely not a jet but a single engine prop plane. Probably trying to get a look at your great piece of the world. That was a neat photo where you can see the top mounted engine.
I have found that if you post it, they will correct it! Thanks, for the info! I have corrected it. It is a Lake Buccaneer, goes on land and water. Unfortunately, we only have ice, and slushy ice, right now!
I'm jealous...I'm about 25 mins southwest of you...and your crocuses are out already! It has been an amazing March Break week though so I won't complain. :)
lol, of all that you wrote, it's the crocuses that got my attention.
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