These two heron have been patrolling the lake shore.

the colours they are achanging. Just wee bursts, foreshadowing what is to come.
Cherry tomatoes from my garden, on a bed of cheese and a triscuit.
The only edible fruit my garden yielded this year! Another luscious red.
A flicker landed on a tree, bright spot of red amongst the brown tree trunk and the turquiose lichen.
A leaf landed on the deck. The dryness of the past week has caused their wardrobe malfunction.
I embrace the changes, which make you appreciate the present even more.
Nice little flashes of red there...gosh, trees turning already!!!
I am refusing to see the red leaves yet! If I do not see them, they are not there.
I have been trying to photograph the redwing blackbirds massing in the marsh near here, and I am about ready to post the best of the results, though. And the geese will be migrating soon, and will overnight in the catchment basin.
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