In Muskoka, every day is Watery Wednesday! This video was taken on Monday.
In the video: an airplane sails gracefully across the sky. The heron hunts by the water. She is unmoved by hubby announcing that he is making muffins, bless him! The cats seek moles or grasshoppers nearby; again the heron is unmoved. The sun begins to warm the air.

But then another day dawns. Fishermen troll by, seeking the solace of the early morning.
Sipping my morning coffee, I amble towards the door. My morning ritual: coffee, computer, and a quick survey of the lakefront. Most days the lake eases into its diurnal rhythms, too. A rhythm I like to follow. For today, for now, there is relative quiet. A hubby with a To Do list that involves 8 stops, he leaves shortly.
If I am up at the usual time, a cat meowing to come in

My gardens, in the 12 degree morning, are not happy. The squash has not yet set fruit. Too cool, with not enough heat. Oh, well. C'est la vie! The foliage, but especially the flowers, are a delight. Methinks it a bit late for fruit now. We shall visit the weekly markets.
The lake is

Guinivere protects hers garden.
The black and gray squirrels are in the oak tree; dive bombing anyone who chooses to walk below. Guinivere looks at me as if for protection.
The sun sparkles between the leaves as it rises to its zenith. Across the peninsula, water dances in the breeze. I wonder if my mother of all turtles is on his rock getting warm in the sun?!
The low hum of traffic, off in the distance, reminds me of my former working life. Early morning alarm clocks turned off in the predawn, a 62 km drive into work, recess bells, yard duty, parent-teacher meetings, schedules and deadlines. I still have nightmares about these things: being late for school, not finding my daybook, or an inability to keep control of a classroom of rambunctious kids. 'Tis bittersweet knowing that what I have learned about curriculum, discipline, and the like, I now leave behind me for others to learn. The book I meant to write, as yet unwritten. I sip my coffee and ponder life.
I luxuriate in my chimes that warn of a storm. Mom always said that the wind from this direction fo

The place begins to become more active. The red squirrel's chittering tells me that the cat is nearby. Disgusted that Sady is on patrol; he tells the whole world.
All is well and good with the My Muskoka watery world.
Very nice photographs and wonderful commentary to go along with it.
This is my first visit here...I've come over from Michelle Basic's blog...I've enjoyed your posts very much.
I love the Muskoka...I've never lived there but I've been may times over the years...for the last three years I've done the Rousseau Farmers' Market every Friday...it is like a mini vacation for my daughter and I...we absolutely love being there...I can't believe it is almost finished for the summer! We also do the Bala Cranberry Festival which we love...
Loved your beautiful photos and commentary ... almost felt as if I was there with you enjoying this idyllic time and space. I'm grateful I no longer have such nightmares, but they DO resonate in my distant memory. Retirement is a blessed thing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Ooops ... methinks I left the wrong link in my previous comment. This is the right one:
Hugs and blessings,
Just love the measured, calm pace with with you greet your day, showing us all the things you notice and ponder as you rise and greet the day. Thanks Jenn.
Jenn, this is a lovely post. I could feel myself relax to your soothing morning. I love the dragon in your garden. Thanks.
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