One really needs a clear picture of why one blogs. Here is a picture of where I blog: in my living room, often in the brightness of a sunny front window!
A fellow blogger, Judy in KY, says that she doesn't blog for money or recognition. She doesn't want to specialize, either. And she keeps her posts simple, without photos. (Me, I'm addicted to my digital camera & iPhoto - 10,000 photos so far!)
Judy values kindred spirits, as I do, and she tries not to get too into politics. (She also reads many other blogs, as I do, but that is another post!) I like jumping into politics, having lived in Ottawa it cannot be avoided.
I began blogging to do some daily writing, and share My Muskoka with others. I liked sharing photos and events with my children, who live in other cities, and blogging fit the bill. I have toyed with posting some of my poetry.
Then, I wrote a book, Living and Dying With Dignity. I wanted to blog to share information I learned when researching the writing of my book. After the book was published, I felt that wanted to find current research, and needed a new blog home for that. I was invited to participate on the Wellness information portal, and thought that the blog required such

Then, I began ranting, that required this blog. There are those who keeps stats on opinions. I felt mine was an informed, valid viewpoint from a demographic that often gets short shrift!
The final piece to my puzzle is the book I want to write on teaching. I realized how little we Thank Our Teachers, and my goal, before my parents became so ill, was to write this book. I ended up writing about the health care system. Such is life!
Hi Jenn,
I was surprised to see you mention me and my blog. I believe we bloggers have quite a community going here. I don't avoid politics altogether... I had plenty to say about our recent presidential election, for instance. And I have referred to my adjustment from living in a blue state to moving to a red state. I don't blog about it often, though. I like to keep a balance. I have my political side, my creative side, my introverted side, and my animal-loving side. I guess I just write about whichever one is dominant in my mind on any given day.
Well, you know, Judy, I thought it a great post, and very reflective. Having reached the age of majority :-Q , I quite like to weed out the blogs. I prefer those where there is reflection. Some are fun, make me think, others make me wince. Some are simply beautiful - a lot of artisans have cottoned on to this marketing tool!
Hi there!! Thanks for visiting! I am new to blogging (the date in my profile says September, but it was truly December) so I have found your posts quite interesting! I am honored that you stopped by...and even complimented my post!
(Yes, I find this blogging thing quite captivating and enlightening, and mostly a good thing!)
I definitely think blogging has a therapeutic quality to it. I too started with one blog, but then I decided one blog could not bee all things. I don't like mixing serious with light on the same blog. Then I even decided I wanted to separate the serious topics. I think I'm only limited by the time I have to sit in front of the computer!
I think you influenced me, J.L. When I visited I noticed how you found a division. It made sense to me.
Some people are looking for a lighter side, some, journalists like yourself have contributions to make to heavy issues and we readers aren't always up for that!
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