For MTM aficionados, I post two videos. The first shows our famous Gravenhurst steamships.
The second is about Canada, for the US MTM readers - to give a better understanding of our fair country! (Tongue in cheek!)
Who could resist that funny man, Rick Mercer?! Gravenhurst is a couple of hours north of Toronto, a half hour south from our place. I go back in time, when the water was open and warm. We had a dinner cruise for our August Anniversary (our 6th!). A cute young thing picked up my husband - I am glad to share! But, here is the CBC Rick Mercer Report video- who knew you could wakeboard behind a steamship?
And just for fun, here Rick explains what Canada is all about. He is a hoot.
Rick Mercer should be the Greatest Canadian.
Great videos, Jenn. And thanks for the look at what Canada is all about. At least you can get rid of an elected official if you need to....
Thanks Jennifer,
Rick's description of our constitutional monarchy wasn't bad.
Those were both pretty good. I don't usually watch him, but I must admit I laughed at the first one.
Brilliant, I loved the second video!!!
hard to imagine we'll ever cruise that water again.
Thanks for the videos and the inside look at the inner workings of Canada!
Great stuff. Thanks for injecting some humor into MTM.
I've learned and grown as a person!
Thanks, Jenn. I'd seen the second video before but the first one made me laugh out loud. I'd forgotten how funny Rick Mercer can be.
Thank you, all! I love this man. His wry sense of humour is intelligent, sometimes puerile, but usually witty and usually about politicians.
We stop everything when he is on CBC on TV!
I slurped many a milkshake at the counter in Sloan's!
Sloan's - yes - with the faux log cabin look! There are a lot of places with many memories. The Kee to Bala has changed somewhat. When I was a kid there was no liquor licence. This has changed its nature much.
With the makeover of Muskoka Wharf: condos & hotel blocking the scenery, my husband firmly believes they should simply pave it over and get on with it! I am not in favour of this kind of development. There is a Boston Pizza in the bay that blocks the view and takes tourist dollars away from the nicer, old family restaurants.
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