Wednesday 8 December 2010

Christmas marketing - bah, humbug

Christmas marketing...
I am really tired of getting e-mail from a business saying, 'Hi, Jennifer!'
Can you believe this pile? Higher than the pie.
All have duplicates. Not the pie. 
My friends call me by my first name. I presume that it is from a friend when I get such casual an address.

I would prefer they use my full name. How about you?

It is too chummy and casual, this is a business relationship, not a friendship.
Thing is, everyone wants my money.

Another part of my December world: catalogues.

We've been getting a ton of catalogues. We do order a lot over the Internet. It is easier ordering some clothes, or specialty products.
It is that time of year. Everyone wants my money.
I wonder how many times they sell us out?

3 - different editions?

We try to buy locally, if we can. I like being a locavore!

5 of the same one?
Every company sends us not one, not two, but several catalogues. We couldn't figure out why!

Poor Joseph spent an hour on the phone. How many catalogues do you think they think we need?

Catalogues piled up in front of him
Thing is, after speaking to some of the customer relations people, pretty sad characters in some cases, turns out they buy the services of marketing agencies who buy our names from other companies.

The creeps.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the bah humbug thing, and the first name thing too. I prefer to start out formal and then relax things as needed.

EG CameraGirl said...

That IS quite a pile of catalogues!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The coolest thing about being full-time RVers is our mail-forwarding service; we signed that we wanted them to throw away junk mail including catalogs before forwarding it on to us!! I am delighted not to see catalogs. (We still order stuff, but everything is on line, so who needs the pile of dead trees.)

Gill - That British Woman said...

that is indeed a large pile of paper. I have the same problem but with calendars not catalogs.....I swear I could start my own calendar shop.
