Monday 6 December 2010

It's beginning to look like a lot...

MWT White
Show your world!
  like Christmas! 
Early morning snow began falling

We've been cutting wood, trying to make good use of the dead elms that dot the property. Dutch Elm Disease, so sad.

They look yellow.
I don't know if that is the fungus...the grassy hillock of sumac seem affected. We'll see in spring.

By nightfall - lovely frosted spruce trees
By 11:00 last night, I peeked outdoors after the snow had stopped falling. Great huge snowflakes. You know the kind. Big puffy flakes, looking like a meeting of snow crystals.

It piled up quickly, small fractals all getting together in the atmosphere. When all got the memo: 'Winter time. Give 'em what you've got!' they fell in concert.

The sugar coating on the green pines is glorious.

The wind next morning blew it all away.

 Leaving behind tracks in the snow of deer and birds and rebel cats.

deer friends
 Prepping for Christmas, digging out the red and green, has been good.
mouse tracks on the step


Photo Cache said...

so beautiful. i always envy those who get snow in the wintertime.

Lesley said...

What a shame you are losing so many trees.
And you will likely get more snow - we will be missed, much to my disappointment ;)

Unknown said...

you're getting a winter wonderland. it's beautiful but i don't think i could stand the cold. brrrrrrr

Red said...

Hey Great minds think alike! I just posted on Christmas music. Well, I have to admit that you don't have to think to hard right now to get it that it's the Christmas season. I would have liked to be out there cutting wood. Enjoy your fire!

Jim said...

That looks cold.

Anonymous said...

So sad about the trees. And hurray for snow, magical snow!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos, it is so sad about Dutch elm disease, we have it here too, all those dead trees - tragic. Good that you can use the wood though

Jane said...

Your photos are such a lovely representation of what snow creates in a landscape.

George said...

You live in a wintry wonderland. I've been splitting firewood when possible. It's too bad about the Dutch Elm disease getting your trees.

Martha Z said...

It is a beautiful, winter wonderland and I know it will get old about January 1 and you will be dreaming of spring.