I see a lot of people searching for info on our Muskoka Bug situation. THEY ARE BAD! There is bug juice on our car window moments after cleaning it!
I was prompted to write a haiku...
spring sings in my world
brilliant petals painted bright--
black flies enter formation
Even on our deck, where we usually get a lot of hot sun, with the cold day time temperatures (near zero C. at night and +10 in the day) they are frolicking in the lovely cool temperatures that they
I was working on our deck, and was continually harassed. I gave up and went indoors. They zoom about one's head, then dive in for your face, eyes, anywhere to take a chunk out of you.
Far different than the mosquitos just suck up some blood.
Here is a photo of one in the house, with a flash, and another on the screen. Tricky shots as they do not survive in the house for long! (Praise be!)
protect your body, don't encourage the flying bugs:
- NO perfumes, limit deodorant with scents, make-up and hair spray
- wear long sleeves,tuck sleeves into gloves
- tuck pant legs into socks
- stay in open areas
- burn candles, or other products, intended to attract and kill bugs
- smoke a cigar (I sit down wind from my hubby and try not to breathe!)
- use a reliable bug spray product (some prefer DEET-based products if allergic to bug bites)
- spray on neck, hands and ankles (I use Skin-so-soft, from Avon)
- go outdoors midday, when the sun is hot
- stay in the wind!
- there are a variety of hats and bug gear if you must work outdoors

Lee Valley Tools called Deer Fly Patches (product # AB715; photo used by permission). Can't wait for the July
onslaught of those wicked critters!

All photos are mine except for the mosquito (Wikipedia) and the deer fly patch.

Ducklings going after bugs in the foliage at the lake shore:
Those little rascals are bad, bad, bad news.
*tippie toes into Jenn's blog*
Psssssssst, swat! smack! dang bugs. I just came in from a hike through the marsh and as cool as it is, I was dive bombed by bugs! *swat*
I love it in Cottage Country but sometimes these black flies and skitters try my patience.
We are having serious ant problems here also.
Sometimes I think maybe I should get married, just to have a man around to get the bugs! (That's what men are suppose to do right? Kill the bugs.
I don't think so! My hubby just got back from doing groceries. He's not allowed to touch my tools; hammer, jig saw and screw drivers! He doesn't tend to like to do that stuff. He needs the right glasses to see the bugs - they are so tiny!
oh how i dislike flying bugs...especially mosquitoes. enjoyed your post and commentary. have a lovely week.
Yack. We have black fly season now. 3 bites already. Hate them.
Even though I hate bugs, this is a great post. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great week
Regina In Pictures
Interesting pots!
It is always good to know.
Thanks for sharing.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then
The only thing about Canada when we lived there that I did NOT like was the combined onslaught of black flies and mosquitos. Yerk!
Nice post.
Just imagine the pioneers!
Aloha Jenn
That is a thought, Cloudia! They had bear grease and did not wash as frequently! From the web: According to Dr. Robert Goodby, a professor of anthropology at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, Native Americans often used smoke to deter the bugs, probably with some effectiveness.
Jenn: I'm so glad that we don't have those on the waters here. Glad your ducklings were eating them up.
bad news indeed. aaargh, i hate bugs.
I've only been around isolated ones but I've heard how bad they are certain times of year in some places. Very informative post.
Sorry to hear the bugs are bad this year. It seems normal here so I was looking forward to travelling orth for a few photo shoots. Hmmm. Maybe I'll wait.
I don't want to turn folks away, Lord knows business owners need to tourist dollars. But you do need to be prepared. I can sit on our front deck, in the sun, in the heat of the day (thermometer read 30 degrees) and they are not around. But once that sun tilts near the horizon...
Marvelous post about unwanted critters ... loved it all ... especially your haiku ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
I'm sorry to hear about your black flies and other bugs. I hope they don't make it down here. I appreciate your tips.
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