Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Power outage, critters

 Monday, I had a plan. I was going to wash sheets. I didn't begin until after lunch as somebody in our house went back to bed for a nap. He's fighting a cold. Sheets done, bed remade, Suzy Homemaker wins again. 

With that, and the looming tariffs, it was a helluva day. Many are angry and unsettled in Canada. USA, what are you doing? 

We're getting tired of explaining ourselves! Americans aren't listening to our news. Finally some of your media are getting it and providing push back.

Our countries have been connected. There are a lot  of goods and services crossing back and forth on the border. Ontario sells electricity to 3 states, for example.

Grampa has new regalia.

☔Rain all day Tuesday, more today. Well, truthfully, we had rain, snow, ice rain, and graupel.

I am trying to find solace in nature. If you have a conscience, what is happening in the world is devastating for many. I continue to think of those facing war, famine, diseases, and then North American citizens who are suffering, with the 1% having vast wealth, and sucking more out of those with less. Then there are tariffs... 

Here is Labbit and a deermouse. 

🔌 We were thinking about dinner. Abruptly, our power went out. My first idea was to check the outage map. We weren't on it. And then we were! 

At first it was declared to be 'planned work' but we are always informed of that in the past. Nada. Next, they changed the restoration time to 7:45, then 8:00 and at one point 8:45. I reported it on the phone, which was down to 29% power! Whoopsie. 

🔦Joe got out lanterns and flashlights. I made a 🔥fire, just in case. 

We scrambled for dinner. Reading by flashlight isn't so bad. I texted the kids to let them know. Suddenly, you know how it is, various electronics came on again. That was about 6 p.m. Not so long after, I could hear an alarm going off. It wasn't the smoke detectors. It was the carbon monoxide detector in the basement. Who would you call in that case? The company that installed the furnace? Fire department? At least we had lights. My instinct was to get out of the house, but what if???

Down we went. Flashlights in hand, just in case. If we were gonna go, we were going together! It occurred to me that it may just be that the detector needed resetting. I unplugged it and plugged it back in. No alarm. It took awhile to calm down. 


DrumMajor said...

looks like deer are practicing their flying for Christmas my power was out for 2 hours then flickers. hmmm. my carbon detector doesn't need resetting after outages. the fire guys should be called otherwise. labbit looks big. linda KS

eileeninmd said...

Cute bunny and deer photos. I am glad you were able to fix reset the alarm. I like the proud Grandpa.. Take care, have a great day!

Anvilcloud said...

That was an unsettling day in several respects.

Out To Pasture said...

I like Joe's new regalia! I've been boycotting U.S.A. items since the tariff and the annexation threat. Shocking how many of our groceries are imported. Since the U.S.A. no longer supports Ukraine, I no longer support the U.S.A. Finally found affordable cat food from a company in Alberta.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a fun-not-fun evening you had. I like thinking of Labbit and the mousies, and especially your nice clean sheets! Ahhh.

Kathy G said...

I know that I eventually need to put my big girl pants on and think about current events, but for today your videos are just what I need.

KarenW said...

my alarm goes off when the power goes back on too

Jeanie said...

Our country's president is the one doing this. Not the American people. Polls are showing Americans are very against these tariffs and what is happening with Canada. You guys hang in there strong and we'll do our best to hang in too as the Creature from the Mar-a-Lagoon tries to destroy us all.

tz_garden said...

Oh we hate the tariffs, so stupid! I'm betting the increase in every day groceries, etc will change peoples minds.

Nancy J said...

How we depend on power, scary when alarms go off, specially for that gas!!! Yes, imports, exports, has anything like this ever happened in our history before? Even down here, I am starting to look carefully to see where products are made.

Cloudia said...

We are angry and unsettled too! We love Canadians and fear and distrust our current president. We are all doing what we can and talking to our elected representatives. Please accept our apologies for this undeserved attack on our best friends!

The Furry Gnome said...

I'd call the fire department first. Carbon monoxide is serious!


What a whirlwind of a day! From the unexpected power outage to the stress of dealing with the carbon monoxide alarm, it sounds like everything piled up at once. I love how you maintained a sense of calm in the chaos, with Joe grabbing lanterns, you starting a fire, and keeping your cool in a potentially scary situation. The way you described the rain, snow, and ice rain makes it sound like the weather mirrored the unpredictable nature of the day. It’s frustrating when systems break down, like with the power outage, especially when it’s not clearly communicated. I can also feel the weight of your thoughts on the broader issues facing the world — it’s definitely a lot to bear, and it’s clear you’re trying to find solace in the smaller, grounding moments, like nature and being with loved ones.

I'm glad it all turned out okay, and the power came back on. You definitely earned that peaceful feeling after such a day! The image of Labbit and the deermouse also adds a charming touch, a reminder of the little joys that nature can provide amidst the chaos.

Hi, wishing you a great Wednesday: I just shared a new post: