Monday, 3 March 2025

Labbit, popcorn, tracks in the snow

The storms have been fun. A bit of a thaw to keep us on our toes. Labbit was happy about this Thursday. As the snow melts, the bird seed around the bird feeder is exposed. Once the snow melts, and more food is available, she'll take off into the forest, and Fred Groundhog will return from his slumber. 


 It's been a good weekend for us. I shovelled the walk and did the driveway. It was 2 ℃. and the snow was somewhat slushy. No sooner did I finish than it began snowing again. Joe took a turn, as his back is better. Praise be! 

Cinnamon was in the sunshine for warmth.

I like his tabby colours. 

I set the table. I've new placemats, made from recycled polyester. 

The kids and grandkids arrived for dinner and a sleepover! They are busy with life, the music festival, band practice, appointments with teenagers. We had some terrific discussions, and catch-ups for plans. There is a 20th wedding anniversary celebration in the works, too! (Where do the years go?)
Jordan is still working on homework and Leadership Camp plans. 

Can you spot Aster, with her red hair?! 
Bass clarinet...

We'd planned chicken, which Jean-Luc prepared. Bless his heart. He even did up some of the dishes. Cooking is his therapy, he told me. Joe shopped. I posted the menu for them. It was a hearty meal. 

We had a rousing game of Name That Tune, with a game Caitlin brought that involved kazoos. It was a hoot. You draw a card, and have to play the song you draw. Grampa and I didn't know a lot of them, but we enjoyed it all.

Saturday night we had popcorn and a movie, The Wild Robot. Aster chose it. It was lovely animation, and just the thing to get our minds off the chaos on this continent.

The grandies made  popcorn, and there was a popcorn fail. The bag, which was smoking, I chucked out in the backyard. 

I think the crows got at it! I was fascinated with the wing marks on the snow. Judging by the size of it, I think crows. 

Isn't this perfect?! 

We've lots of snow, for now. There are tracks across the back from the gully on the left, across the yard. 

I bundled up to check out the track, but they have been filled in with snow. Well, fresh air and exercise, methinks.

OK, off to throw on my Yard Duty coat, and hope for the best. Then, coffee. The temperature plummeted over the day. Sunday morning it was -21℃. This morning it is -22 ℃. and I have garbage to put out. This week'll be warmer, with rain, perhaps. Have a great week, all. We shall hope for the best.

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