Note to self: after a fresh snow, it's probably best to wear taller winter boots or my snowshoes! The snow snuck in the back under my pants. It's cold. It's bracing!
I'm not sure what these tracks are from. There are no claws, which eliminates some critters. It could have been Red Fox!
I found a trailcam. I couldn't remember where it was. Searching down the hill in the forest, I was not successful. Turns out I'd put it on the driveway! Hah! But I'm not failing!
I've put a bird feeder out under the deck. We've had birds visit, but mostly Labbit.
Sure enough, Labbit!
I've been tracking Labbit. I've found she is staying in Fred's garden burrow! This is Fred, he's gone to another burrow, sleeping for winter. Behind him is the flag garden, where he's dug a big burrow under my rhododendron.
She runs from the garden to the lilac shrub, and then under the deck to visit the feeder.
After searching her tracks. I found her on the Wingscapes camera, but tracks lead to another burrow. She's a tricky one! You can see the large hind feet and the little cotton tail!
Hari Om
It might be another burrow... or it might be another entrance to the same...warren of burrows... YAM xx
There always some critter to interest you and often several.
Sounds like Labbit has found a cozy spot. I'm glad Fred has moved on to another so they don't have to share!
Nice shots of Labbit.
Rabbits come to our yard every night, gathering up whatever seeds have spilled from the bird feeders. They haven't taken to chewing the cedars yet so I assume that they are finding more palatable fare.
Labbit is adorable.
How smart she took over Fred's burrow! Their poo is great fertilizer.
It's fun to watch he choosing where to get some food. Doesn't seem to think sitting on snow is any different than the bare earth, so I guess her temperature doesn't cause any snow melt where she sits, or maybe she moves about too fast. Or maybe her feet are just already cold.
Oh she is a pretty one!
Cute rabbit, I hope it's burrow is warm.
Take care, have a great day!
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