Saturday, 1 February 2025

Saturday's Critters

It's been a time for news. Especially politics. Somebody has removed the 'partner' from this equation.

I am happy to watch the critters. And Cinnamon bears watching! Cinn likes fishing...

We had some snow!

They seem to like to trigger the spotlights! deer frontyard


 The fawn was bouncing around in the front yard!



 OK, this was silly. I put peanuts out for the squirrels, and the deermice showed up.


 We're pretty much frozen in. Can you read it? It's -17℃ this morning. 

Other people in many parts of the world have some wonderful photos!
Saturday's Critters # 581 <= visit them at Eileen's blog.


eileeninmd said...

I would much rather see and read about your critters than talk politics. Half our country is not happy! I love your deer images and your cute kitty. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Mae Travels said...

The map you posted is very important. This is a very frightening day in our history. We will regret a lot of things and this is a big one. No matter how we voted we will be punished along with the idiots who put these ogres in office.
best… mae at

Tom said...

...if Trump was smart and he isn't, he would know that you don't mess with our good neighbor to the north!!!

Barbara Rogers said...

Your critters are so busy keeping fed! Loved the silly mice, each peanut could feed one for a week I bet!

carol l mckenna said...

Great wintry. photos and Cinnamon is so precious ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

tz_garden said...

Cinnamon! haha. The photos of the deer in the snow are especially lovely, is that sunrise or sunset (I'm assuming).

DrumMajor said...

I think I detect that the fish don't swim in the upper part of their tank to avoid a cat foot fishing? We apologize for our idiot alleged prez. Please send your U.S. blog buddies info on how to submit our 25% tariff payments to your blog. Even as Democrats, we're not sure how to stop it at the moment. His buddies are clearing out some department heads. Others are refusing to resign, not trusting his offer. One relative has worked at CDC for decades, and may be out of a job. The country will be out of correct knowledge! Linda in Kansas

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful photos and videos. I love all the critters that call your property home.

I'm totally disgusted with Trump. I have no idea why he is doing what he is doing. Not lowering the price of eggs for one thing.

He doesn't know how to negotiate. I don't know a thing about negotiating internationally but I negotiated oil and gas purchase deals with all sorts of producers, big and small. The main thing was always to preserve the relationship, the other thing was to take the time and try and come with something where both parties come out ahead. He is not interested in that.
I have a cousin who was an investment banker in New York City. A huge trump fan even though he says that his employer and many others in the city refused to do business with trump because he was a crook.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

My goodness that is bitterly COLD! Love your videos with the snow on the ground and critters to see! Stay warm!

Red said...

I like the big ears my mule deer have. I don't know if there are mule deer in Ontario.

Leslie's Garden said...

Always love seeing your deer feasting. They are such sweet creatures. Have a good weekend. Take care and stay warm!