Friday, 28 February 2025

Labbit and building stuff

Let me get this off my chest. Sadly, Conservatives and Doug Ford were re-elected here in 🇧🇲 Ontario for the third time. In his speech he claims a mandate to build over Ontario, cutting bike lanes, etc. It is his third majority government. 
"We asked the people for a mandate to build Highway 413, the Bradford bypass. Highway 4, Highway 7, Highway 11, Highway 69 to bring sanity back to bike lanes, to tunnel the 401, to upload Ottawa LRT and build the future of GO Transit across Greater Toronto Area. The people said, yes."
Unfortunately, while he is determined to build stuff, and please rich developers buddies, he is neglecting the vulnerable: the sick, the homeless, high rents, the lack of government housing, a living wage, fair wages, underfunded disability, and all the other provincial issues we face. He's a person who believe all of these people should simply 'pull up their bootstraps' and they will be fine. Meantime, we are short people to work in the trades, education, and healthcare, which he's been privatizing. 

🇨🇦 In Canada, while most of us loathe the orange felon, we still appreciate our American friends. Apparently we are appreciated, as well.

What a kind gesture!

🐿️  🐦  🐇

The Shrike appeared again, perching pertly on the bird feeder looking for prey! Sadly, I didn't have my reading glasses on to be able to focus the shot, but all this is proof of visitation!

Snow! This is Monday a week ago, last Monday, and Tuesday! Just when things were thawing, we're back down to -10 ℃. and had 4 cm snow.

Labbit is happy on the sidewalk to go to the front feeder.

🐇 I thought there were two Labbits. Methinks there is only one. It's been staying under the middle deck, rather than going back to Fred's burrow. 

I did notice more weasel or mink tracks. 

Nutmeg wasn't happy in the carrier. I wrote about their trip to the vet yesterday. This was really funny! She is feisty.


1 comment:

eileeninmd said...

Kitty wants out of that cage! Cute bunny images.
It is great to see the Shrike, awesome bird.
I am not a fan of the orange man!
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.