There is much unrest in the world. Disasters, Climate Change, leading to fear and anger. Canadians are pretty much upset. It doesn't have to be this way. Much "vexatious drivel" someone said. Our premiers are singing their own songs, not in harmony with all of Canada. People are forgetting basic manners.
I took some time, while working out, watching the Hegseth hearings and it is discouraging. Putting a front line soldier who bankrupted a non-profit agency in charge of a huge budget ($900 billion) surely cannot work. He's covered in white nationalist tattoos, too.
"Did you sexually assault a woman?"
Pete Hegseth: "I'm not a perfect person"
🔥🚒 It seems that there are many against diversity. Thankfully, some people are speaking up and out. They attacked the fire chief in LA. Jessica stands up for her. (I don't know who she is, but good on her!)
I'm having fun with trailcams. OK, not exactly 'fun,' as I am having trouble getting the proper settings for one camera. It seems trigger happy. I did a screen capture to show you. Each folder had 999 images, I think triggered by weeds blowing in the breeze! The red squirrel appeared in about a dozen images! It happened again.
Cute photos of Cinnamon! She enjoys the walks.
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.
DEI and fires. People hear a talking point and run with it with no examination a all.
Hari OM
I scan the headlines then move on to entirely distracting other stuff. The world is getting too hard. YAM xx
Thanks for sending your firefighters. Maybe our countries don't need a leader at the top if there are so many nice, sensible people around. Oh, yea, I forgot how many here voted for a criminal. Seems Cinny doesn't want to venture too far to check out the world. Linda in Kansas
I feel like giving up on watching news but always change my mind.
The fires are awful. I grew up in California, it's heartbreaking to see all the destruction.
I've brought my cameras in for a change of batteries and to clean up the lens. They too are getting thousands of shots of blowing twigs and big fat snowflakes. I'm going to scout a new location or two. I'm needing snowshoes for that now!
Whatever happened to good manners?
I hope you find lots of fun today.
Cinnamon is smart! And it is good to see the neighbors helping. I think all of this negativity will destroy itself when people get sick enough of it. Hang in there and enjoy the beautiful place that you are and that you create for your family aloha
Nice to see Cinnamon and yes, the snow must be cold on little cat toe pads ...
All the best Jan
Lots of people running off their mouths who know nothing about fighting fires or how many resources it would have taken to make a difference. It was a tinderbox just waiting...two wet years with lots of vegetative growth and then dry..tinder dry, fire and winds ...uffda.
I don't know what to say Jenn except that I am so very sad about it all. Thank you for the photo of Cinnamon, she makes me smile. Glad you are having fun with your trail cams.
It's not illegal to be and idiot.
Our non-government-to-be will be a laughing stock of the whole world...and state governments will have to take charge of what federals used to do. It's what they've been saying all along. I feel so bad for friends with relatives in the military.
Things aren't looking good over here. I like visiting your world instead!
Thank you, Canada, for sending help for the California fires. Mexico, too. Little cinnamoin needs some shoes, lol. Have a great day.
Cinnamon is a sweetie.
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