Saturday, 18 January 2025

Saturday's Critters on Crumbly Acres

Things have been pretty quiet, in terms of critters. We're expecting very cold temperatures and a Polar Vortex tonight, over a few days. This kind of thing affects our critters.

The birds eat more to keep warm, the deer resort to eating twigs and dead weeds. The racoons are active in single digit weather, but once it freezes hey go back to hunkering down. The red squirrels are really busy, eating under the feeders. 

I woke in the dark, and peeked out the bedroom window. A doe was hunkered down in the snow, grooming. She leapt up as soon as I tried for a photo. Then, she stood here for 15 minutes. They are not tame at all. They feel safe in the yard, which is a good thing for us. 

Dec. 2022

I'm still wrestling with this trailcam. I've read the setting 5 times, at least. Again, 5000 images, taken every few minutes, triggered by snow, me, dratted red squirrel. You must laugh at these trivial things, frustrating as they are.

This is the view out the kitchen window. We seem to have about 6 regulars. Of course, they don't have name tags or antlers, the bucks winter in their yard somewhere else. 

They amble about in the wee hours.

 But come around in the day, too! I was watching from the window! I could see a furry doe under the feeder.

 It's Dratted Red Squirrel (DRS) who drives the cats nuts. Cat TV.


 The Mourning Dove on the nicely cleaned sidewalk!


We've just one turkey hanging around. It sees me in the kitchen window and takes off.


They do share.


Visit more critters at Eileen's: Saturday's Critters # 579!


eileeninmd said...

I love seeing your deer, it is nice they feel safe in your yard.
Great captures of the turkey, dove and the cute deer.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Anvilcloud said...

The critters, especially the deer, are a great winter diversion for you as we brace for the effects of the vortex.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
...and I love how Guinevre keeps a steady eye on it all!!! YAM xx

Barbara Rogers said...

Silly red squirrel! Loved the deer. And simple little turkey! It just seems I can get into the life of them, where I imagine wandering through the woods, over the pavement where people have squared off land and divided it between them; but a deer (the big ones to a turkey...but they don't bother them) and squirrels and the winged ones have no limitations to where they move. What a life!

RedPat said...

I'm getting ready to hibernate this week.
Once again i can't see your videos.

Mae Travels said...

Your observations of the varied behavior of the animals around your house is always interesting. We have only birds, squirrels, and the occasional bunny as we are in a very urban neighborhood without a lot of wooded territory.
best… mae at

DrumMajor said...

Love how the turkey hangs out with the deer. Linda in Kansas

Leslie's Garden said...

We have a lot of deer visiting, but they eat my hostas and other garden plants so I'm not so happy with them. They are beautiful though. My dogs get excited when they see them.

tz_garden said...

Lovely deer visitors!

Jeanie said...

Your critters are always delightful but I'm such a sucker for the deer. (Earlier this week I awoke to four just laying down in the back yard. It was too dark to get a photo but oh, I really wanted to!) It's cold here and getting colder -- don't know if it's coming from your way or going there. Keep cozy!

Mary Kirkland said...

Wow, so many critters. I love seeing all the pictures. I hope you figure out the camera. It's kinda funny it takes so many pictures though.

Elephant's Child said...

How I love your critters.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You've really had frigid temps! I know the animals and birds love to visit you in the winter months...or year round! Stay warm!

Kay said...

Oh my gosh! You have the turkey and deer together. It always amazes me to know you have giant turkeys running around wild.

Red said...

Critters become very quiet when it gets very cold.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love all your deer. And your turkey. We replaced our fence last year, the new one is lots tighter so I don't get raccoons or possums on the trail cam.
What drives my trailcam crazy is the wind. The swaying trees and shrubs drive it crazy.

DeniseinVA said...

You are in an animal paradise, your kitties included.

William Kendall said...

Deer are such beautiful animals.