Friday, 10 January 2025

Deer and bunny

 Here we go! It's a chilly one, again. Yes, -14℃! 

That said, knowing the importance of outdoor play, I toddled down to the trailcam. I had my booklet with me, as the settings were quite wrong! I had over 800 images. Either it both too quick a trigger, plus a 1-minute delay in the trigger. 

This just makes me laugh! It could have been a great photo.

Indoor play, I redid my sun. 

The amaryllis and paperwhites have been planted. 

The sunset was glorious from the front deck. Now, I could have run down the driveway, except it was pretty cold.  There are days when I wish we had a second floor, or a tower!

This was through the bathroom window, including the screen! And the satellite antenna. Not so bad.

We had Labbit the cottontail visit. They have to be cold and hungry!


 We had deer visit, as well. They nibble on dead garden plants.


The big news in Ottawa is that the Rideau Canal will be open for skating on Saturday. This is early, even for a 'normal' year. That's how cold it's been. It didn't open long (10 days?) last year. The year before it did not open at all. We've been calling it Waterlude, rather than the February Winterlude Festival. 


Anvilcloud said...

I heard about the Skateway. I'm glad that it is opening for however long it will be.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
We've been undergoing minus temps quite a bit this year, too, but nothing quite to match yours (though news of minus seventeen in the Cairngorms was touted this morning...) Here by the Hutch at midday, it has just warmed up to 0'C... YAM xx

Leslie's Garden said...

That looks like so much fun on the canal! I don't know how to ice skate, but I bet I would have learned if we had something like that. I guess that's one of the drawbacks of living in the south. Bu we can play tennis almost all year long, lol. Stay warm and safe!

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh you're just starting your amaryllis bulb! Looking forward to seeing your bloom. Mine is past bloom stage, pretty leaves still. The river being frozen enough for all those skaters! Wow. Loved seeing your critters, as always.

DrumMajor said...

Your sun with the straight rays looks nice! Linda in Kansas

RedPat said...

That is great news that the canal is opening for skating. It feels like this is going to be a cold winter.
I'm surprised that the bunny was out & about.

tz_garden said...

Brrrrrr! The ice skating event looks so fun.

Nancy J said...

What an event to skate the canal, your wildlife seem to be coming closer, maybe looking for some tidbits.

Elephant's Child said...

That is definitely chilly. And beautiful. Love seeing your work continuing to evolve.

Jeanie said...

I love the set-up on your table with the herons and bird. So pretty. I'm not a skater but I love images of people skating and I admire their skill and balance. Glad the canal is open! Good luck with that camera!