The good news is Joe went back to the lab, off to the doctor's office, explained the issue, and back to the lab where they took his blood for the PSA blood test. Again. He'll check every couple of hours for a result. So far, nothing.
UPDATE: the test results were good. Same numbers. Cancer injection Tuesday.
Remembrance Day is Monday. It is a federal statutory holiday, but provincial offices may or may not be open depending upon the municipality here in Ontario. I had a great chat with Jesse in Vancouver, and after a Panto rehearsal, they were going to the cottage for the long weekend. It is a provincial statutory holiday in British Columbia.

I get my COVID and Flu shots Monday. Joe has to wait until 2 weeks after his Lupron injection for his cancer treatment.
🦌It is rutting season. It's also deer hunting season, so the deer are a bit antsy. Hormones and fight or flight.
The bucks make a 'scrape' and urinate on their glands to put out their boy smells. They nudge a tree branch above them, to spread out more scent. I don't know if it is meant to make the females happy or the other males jealous! I saw a pair copulate in the backyard one year. Of course I videotaped it! (Not for the squeamish!)
I found two scrapes beside the frog pond. Joe found one on his walk down beside the shed.
Funnily enough, this one is right in front of the trailcam.
The videos were somewhat sketchy. The buck comes in and out of frame. He didn't get the memo.
This was funny, as you can see flying debris as he scrapes it.
I took a screen capture, and you can see the antlers better.
Here is our buck last year. Their antlers grow the same pattern each year. They'll lose them in January/February, after rutting season is over, food is scarce, and testosterone diminishes.
I moved the trailcamera to get a better image of the action at the deer scrape. All I captured was coyote peeing on the deer scrape.
...good news is always welcomed. You sure are a deer expert!
Ah the wild ones are getting ready for mating. So good they know what they're doing...kind of amazing they know those rituals instinctively, don't have to learn them from anybody else.
I see the flag. Good for you.
Hey Jenn, the observations with the animal camera are pretty impressive. You live in the middle of nature, that must be wonderful - and Canada in the fall anyway. We have a good chance of experiencing that ourselves next fall. (Less nice "Lupron injection for his cancer treatment"... - that sounds like a challenging time...)
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good development in all health matters!
All the best from Austria, Traude
There always seems to be action of some kind at your place.
I need to make a calendar with all the Canadian holidays on it, so I can keep up with Josh's days off. The deer, a busy time for those stags/ bucks.
I had a scrape in my urban yard last year. Certainly an interesting event.
Excellent news about Joe’s test results and wishing him only the very best. Are these pantomimes you’re talking about? I used to love going to them around the Christmas season when I was young. Saw Peter Pan flying around so much on wires, those scenes are permanently carved into my memory box. It will be Veteran’s Day for us down here. I have a collection of poppies I bring out every year. Our Covid and flu shots are up to date, so we are about as prepared as we ever will be for now. The videos are always a pleasure. The antlers are amazing. I watched one youtuber nail a single antler next to the outside door of his cabin to use as a coat rack. I’m one who enjoys watching people building their own cabins. So interesting to see the process. Oh to be that young and energetic. Have a great week ahead Jenn. Thanks so much for visiting.
Excellent news about Joe's bloodwork.
I am smiling at the coyote peeing on the dear scrape. Testosterone at work no doubt.
Deer are interesting creatures!
I'm glad the test results were ok.
Great news on the medical front and your deer videos are fabulous.
Oh gosh! Thank you for the reminder. I need to sign up for our COVID and flu shots.
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