Thursday, 14 November 2024

Crumbly Acres

 ðŸ’‰This was a week for needles! Monday, I had COVID and Flu shots. They have a small, private room set aside in the pharmacy. I peeked in and the pharmacist was listening to someone and motioned, just a minute. When he was ready for me, he apoligized for the delay I said to the pharmacist, 'your mother must be proud.' We need more kindness. Listening is important. 

There was no reaction to the shots, other than a mild headache, but that may be due to stress and clenching my teeth!

Cancer Treatment 

PART CXV – Nov. 6th PSA test, hemolyzed blood sample, had to do it again. It was good.
PART CXVI – Nov. 12th Lupron injection.

Joe had his Lupron injection Tuesday. He's good for another 3 months. He can have his COVID and Flu shots in two weeks.

😷Our LGL Health Unit is showing some respiratory viruses circulating.

🚘 One winter tire has had a slow leak. Joe checked it, and it was looking bad. He took it in for repairs. They patched it for him, no charge. That was a bright light in the day.

 Just when I think I have a handle on things, I readjusted the Crumbly Acres camera. This is where it sat late summer.

I moved it to cover the driveway where critters run. Here's Joe bringing in the empty recycling bin! 

Once it was all reset, I found that it wasn't saving videos to the MicroSD card. It was saving directly to the computer if the application was on and running. Sigh. Get out the ladder. (My SIL installed it for me, I'm not sure how he did it!)  

I opened up the back of it, which requires removing these two wee screws. I dropped screw #1 and swore.  Un-inserting the Micro card, I reinserted it. This worked last time. Tried it, no difference. I decided to look for screw #1, found it. I thought about it a bit. Rather buying a new Micro card, why not switch it with another. The dashcam! Did so, dropped the other screw. Found that screw. Still no luck with it working. 

I went back to it after lunch. 
(#1) The aluminum case had unscrewed from the base. I couldn't reattach it. 
(#2) The power cable runs through the wall to the garage. It pulled off. No power. No luck. 
I'll have to figure out how to get the cable in the garage through the wall back out to the power cable to reattach it. Maybe tape it to a thin dowel? 

Either way, I gave up for the day when the sun began to get low and it was really getting cold. 

Here we were Wednesday morning

After my workout, I put on warm clothes and went to it, again. First task, lay down a towel, just in case I lose more screws. <Insert screw loose joke here!>

Houston, we have a problem.

I put the AC plug back in the hole through the garage wall. It had pulled free. That I could manage.

My conclusion is that the wires from the lens, to the plug into the mother board, have been pulled out. 

The problem stemmed from the fact that this piece no longer rotated and I tried to tighten it, it just pulled the wires out. 

I ordered a new one. There are Black Friday sales (which many Canadian businesses have copied from the US), and it wasn't very expensive. In fact, cheaper than some trailcams and works better! 

Our cottontail needs a name! It's as if Fred Groundhog moved off (Aug.) and Bunny moved in!

I captured the cottontail on the Crumbly Acres camera before all this happened. Their behaviour is interesting. First – they freeze. It is quite camouflaged. I didn't realize it was there till it moved. I chased it away as the cats were out for their morning romp. It isn't often here in the daytime!


Val Ewing said...

I still use trail cams and have found some good ones for not a lot of money. Once in a while I move the trail cams to look at the yard, but they are out in the forest now.
You really have patience to work on that camera! Wow. I wouldn't have had that kind of tenacity.
I would have cursed it and shut it off in frustration.

Tom said...

...shoot up and be safe.

Barbara Rogers said...

That's good, getting a new cam to solve that problem! Loved seeing the not-so-wildlife in her gown scaring poor bunny away, before Cinnamon did!

Shug said...

I admire you for being able to conquer such a task as fixing the issue with the camera. Hopefully you will have the new one set up soon...This little cottontail is cute. I need to set up a camera in our backyard...we have had what I think is a raccoon or possum walking across our pool cover. Glad you didn't have any big symptoms from the shots, and what a big Blessing for Joe to be good for three months. Have a super great day..

Elephant's Child said...

Yay on getting the injections done and dusted. Sigh on the techno front.

Red said...

It's all those little things that drive you crazy and then you lose 2 fine screws. These issues help to keep you sharp.

Mary Kirkland said...

Well sounds like things went well all in all.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice of you to chase the bunny away before the cats went out! You have mad skills fixing things!!

eileeninmd said...

The screws are just tiny, too small to hold and work with.
Love the cute bunny!
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

You are impressive tackling these jobs. Oh those tiny screws, They take on a life of their own. Good to know you had your injections. Not only frogs you look out for, bunnies too and I daresay many others out there. Oh kind hearted one, you are a very special Angel to those who need your care.

Kay said...

I'm always so amazed at all you know and do. I wish you were my neighbor.

Hena Tayeb said...

That is a lot of wood. Glad you were able to get some help.