Wednesday 27 March 2024

Fox, Labbit, skunk, Butch


Nutmeg was on the back deck with a pouffy tail. I looked out and a fox was in the yard! Nutmeg was watching keenly. I couldn't coax her in the house. It disappeared down into the gully and she headed to the lower deck, to follow it. I sent JB (headed for his physio appointment) to go around in front of her and head her off. He clapped and fake chased her and she headed up to the house and in the open door. 
This is an archival photo from Bala, Ontario (2009?)! 

In the meantime, our cottontail has been very busy.


Labbit Mar 25 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Skunk continues to hang around. I've not seen her during the daytime. They tend to run if humans are about.

skunk Mar 25 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

And good old Butch is awake. Soon there will be kits following her!

Butch Mar 20 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Joseph Brian has been busy!

Indoors, Cinnamon likes watching our murder mysteries. We are watching Maria Wren with subtitles. He heard a doorbell ring, the same sound as our old doorbell fooled him! 

Spring unfolds as it should. It's a bit early, we shall see what summer brings.


Barbara Rogers said...

What on earth possessed Nutmeg to chase after the fox! Silly cat. Glad the lord of the house waylaid her endeavors! Labbit has small ears, I just noticed... Give Cinnamon some pats for me, he looks so comfy!

eileeninmd said...

Great critters and the photos of Cinnamon are adorable.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Our friends dog got sprayed yesterday, no good in single digit temps. They gave her a bath, but had to keep her inside to prevent freezing.

RedPat said...

Cinnamon is a handsome guy.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jenn :=)

Cute bunny captures and lovely photo of the fox. I had to look up was was a kit, it seems they are another word for fox cubs, one is always learning stuff on blogs. In this case I think you meant Racoon babies. I wonder what attracts the Skunk to your property. I only know they spray obnoxious smelling liquid, other than that, I don't know much about them. Beautiful photos of your cat, how precious.
All the best

DeniseinVA said...

What fun to see the fox. We had one on our back deck a few nights ago and it was yowling. When he saw me looking at him, he high-tailed it down the steps. It was the raccoon yowling the night before. Fun photo of your fox and videos of the wildlife. Also nice to see JB and Cinnamon. Funny about the door bell. I’m going to have to start watching those murder mysteries. I’ll look up Maria Wren.

Elephant's Child said...

Cats with a bottle brush tail always fascinate me. Enjoy your spring.

Red said...

that fox is pretty cheeky to come in your yard and stare you down. I wonder if they would be after the cats?

Anvilcloud said...

Doorbells or phone rings on tv can be deceiving.

MARY G said...

Yes, indeed. the four footed and furry neighbours are out and around here, too. Our daughter has been putting out feed for the deer, and we see lots of them But it is coming on for skunk season, for sure, and I think it is time for them to find their own afternoon treats.
Love your cat photos. A beauty.

William Kendall said...

I've seen cats chase foxes.