Tuesday 20 February 2024

Sun and snow

We are on the good side of winter. Sunrise is earlier, and the sun, when it is out, has a warmth to it. My orchid is setting buds, again. Happy dance! They say not to put it in full sun, but the winter sun seems good for it. It is snowing again this morning, which is why the photos give me hope.

They didn't seem to know how much snow we'd get. We had a delivery Sunday afternoon and he said the driveway was OK. I left alone. Monday, my trusty blower was waiting for me! We had had more snow than expected and it required removal. I started her up and all went well. 

You can see where the mice friends came in under the door. The rodents have chewed it.

It looked lovely, with the sun shining.

Since I did the driveway, JB decided to work on the sidewalk. He did the back deck, as well. This is good, as his rotator cuff has precluded much of this for a couple of years.

Both the back deck and the middle deck were covered. The middle deck will have to melt. 

There is something about that blue sky and sunshine that warms the heart.

I had to use my snowshoes later on to fetch trailcam SD Cards. I haven't been down there in a week. 

There were lots of videos of deer and coyotes. I appeared in the cedar corridor.


snowshoes from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Also, Caitlin did a walk by herself. I have evidence on two cameras!

Caitlin Feb 18 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Barbara Rogers said...

Nice looking snow. And my orchid bloomed early this winter, when the long winter sun shone in the windows. It's no longer doing so, but temps are still very cold at night (for here). Days are warmer.

RedPat said...

The sun is out here today and it feels lovely to look out and see a blue sky.

Anvilcloud said...

It has probably been awhile already, but for the first time yesterday, I noticed light before 7AM.

DeniseinVA said...

The snow looks extraordinarily pretty in your photos, but I know what hard work it must be to clear everything. I love those snowshoes and the videos show how much they are needed up your way.

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. yay on your orchid!

Karen said...

This snow was nice and fluffy. I managed to make a trail all the way to the road. Our neighbour kindly came by yesterday with his plow truck. We are truly thankful.

Nancy J said...

' The Cedar Corridor" that sounds so interesting, could be a book title. Snowshoes, how life has such a contrast between where we each live, as your days get more sunshine, so our mornings are a lot darker at 6 a.m.In the far south, some ski fans do have a separate set of winter tyres.

Jeanie said...

Isn't it nice to wake up and not pitch dark? Your sun is looking great! Yes, the better end of winter.

Kay said...

Oh wow! That's a lot of snow. Our orchids are not showing signs of blooming yet.

tz_garden said...

Beautiful snow and sunshine! When do you typically thaw out? That's nice you share the clearing, dang rotator cuffs take forever to heal.

Lowcarb team member said...

I always think snow can look so nice ...
I enjoyed seeing you and Caitlin walking :)

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...I feel created, what little snow that we received has melted.