Sunday 3 December 2023

Winter is on its way

 I avoided washing the kitchen floor for a couple of days. I did so, then realized that the grout needed its own scrub. I managed to do about half the floor, crumpled on a step stool, using a scouring brush. I will get to it another day.  

I am much happier in the forest.

Some days... you know how it goes, you wonder what you'll write about. Then I check the cameras. It is far more interesting than housework. Here is a screen grab from the frog pond trailcam, down in the forest. 

I moved the oldest trailcam to the driveway. It doesn't work all that well. I captured coyotes and deer trotting along the drive, however. Proof of life, I guess. The deer amble there, as well.

two coyotes from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The snow has since fallen, but Pickles, the young buck with pickle stabber antlers, has been cleaning up. This was a big pumpkin, reduced to nothing.


deer from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I let Nutmeg out for her morning run, and she looked to one side. I noticed a buck going at my last large pumpkin!

buck from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The buck was going at a pumpkin, just off camera. I moved the pumpkin, in the rain. I included that in the video as proof.  He came back shortly thereafter. Hubby coming home in the car in the dusk sent him away. It took Charles all that day and night, the pumpkin was gone the next day!

King Charles IV buck from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The snow fell. Gravenhurst had 42 cm (16") of Lake Effect Snow. 

Today they are warning us about another 10 -20 cm snow. Maybe freezing rain. We shall see. I shall have to ensure we have gas for the snowblower!This is me, in Bala, Muskoka, Dec., 2009. We had 60 cm snow, but other places a bit more north, had 120 cm.

We had about 2.5 cm of snow. A different buck came along. A little older than Pickles. He was looking for food under the bird feeder.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes, it is properly taking hold this side of the big water, too. There is snow on the hilltops I see from the window (the van had a covering yesterday morning). Brrrrrrrr.... YAM xx

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah, you have become the bachelor's commissary! KC IV is smart, to not stay around when cars come. They are amazing in tolerating the sounds of the highway. I hope they stay away from it though.

eileeninmd said...

I always love your deer images. We still have not had any snow yet, maybe a few flurries. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

rainy .... that was what we did have yesterday. hoping it is or was just want we did need. i pray this winter will be snowy but not bad for traveling. i know we need some extra moisture. ( :

Anvilcloud said...

Your forest and cameras are much better than any sort of housework, especially cleaning grout.

RedPat said...

I hope that you don't get the big snow. It is raining a bit here today.

Jeanie said...

I remember when Rick wrote a post during one of his long Canadian bike rides called "How Many Graves to Gravenhurst." I haven't heard that name since!

That buck knows how to suss out a good meal!

Elephant's Child said...

Lovely photos. And yes, outside is always better than housework, particularly an arduous job like scrubbing the grout.

tz_garden said...

So beautiful, I really can't imagine living in the midst of all the wildlife. I wholeheartedly agree that indoor chores are not enjoyed half as much as outdoors!

DUTA said...

You've got a very nice figure in the picture of Dec. 2009!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Deer do love pumpkins don't they? They did not get any of ours this year, but they did get some old apples the other day!

Nancy J said...

King Charles IV might want it served on a silver platter like another earlier Charles. They love those pumpkins.Lake snow, do try and stay warm.

Divers and Sundry said...

Your woods are wonderful, and definitely that tops housework. The animals are fun to watch.

Red said...

That's too much snow and remember that I like snow. I'd spend all my time shoveling if I had that much snow.

Tom said...

...we've had rain and rain and more rain.

Mae Travels said...

Here, it rained and rained. Not cold enough for snow. This is a change from past years, when December was all about snow and we had something called the January thaw. No more.
best, mae at

DeniseinVA said...

I would definitely be happier in the forest, especially your forest, definitely more interesting than housework. Housework can always wait a little longer when there is all of nature to explore. Always fun to see your wildlife, in photos and videos. I also love your dragon! That’s a lot of snow on your roof. Looks real pretty, until you have to shovel it. I always hope young and strong lads will knock on the door looking for some pocket money. Living in hope if we get snow this year. I keep hearing it’s going to be a hard winter for weather. Fingers crossed that it won’t be, for you too.