Sunday 24 December 2023

December is nearly done!

It's been a month, this December month. Lots going on. I was so happy to get the sink done. Funnily enough, having found a licensed and insured contractor, RONA sent me a message from head office in California. They don't have a contractor in the area to install our sink. It's been months. I'd figured that out!

We've had several young people killed in vehicle incidents. It's been terrible for many families. I find it disturbing seeing these memorials. This one has grown. I wonder how the people feel who live across the street from where this incident occurred. 

Oct. 11

It's been a month of weather! Rain (54 mm), snow (19 cm), sleet, graupel. Sometimes all in one day. We will have some snow, although we expect freezing drizzle. 

Thank goodness for technology, when family is far away. 

Cluny (8) sent me two photos! One is a diorama they made, and the other is their cat, Bernie. 

Jesse sent a photo of Cluny in her panto costume. One can learn a lot about oneself by acting. With both parents being trained actors, she is having a blast. It is in her blood!

We drove through town. Do you think these streets, built in 1816, knew they'd be handling such trucks? There was talk of a ring road for years. The trucks get longer. Not so the width of the streets. Right now, Perth is arguing with a developer who want to bring in a housing development. It's hit the news. There is a month long hearing planned. We're not involved as we don't live in Perth, but I've been following it and noting timelines and articles. The latest was an editorial in the Ottawa Citizen, Ramble Dumbly has weighed in. What Ottawa residents have to do with it, I do not know. We teachers used to laugh at the columnist, as he never liked teachers, and is quite right wing.

When we were in Smiths Falls, I took a photo of this building. It is fascinating! It is on the edge of the river.

Cinnamon and I went walkies. There is some snow.

icy wetland walkies from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Linda said...

Lots of rain here for December, and very foggy today.
But much better than the blizzard we had last year.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

RedPat said...

You and Cinnamon are braver than me. I'm hating these dark dreary days and not venturing very far at all.

Barbara Rogers said...

That's quite a crazy building! Cinnamon's sister, Alice, lives here with my grandson. She just doesn't have the bars on her tail, but otherwise is quite the same coloration. It's great that C. has such a wonderful place to explore! Loved the diorama! Someone is going to be great doing sculptures!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for this December round up. We have those roadside memorials here too. And sadly will undoubtedly need more over the Christmas season.
Happy Christmas to you and your family.

Red said...

You have a lot of things going on in one day.

Divers and Sundry said...

We get those memorials here, too. Sad reminders. I wish it helped people be more careful in their driving, but no.

Anvilcloud said...

They've also been talking about a hwy 7 bypass for CP for a long time.

Yes, that SF is interesting.