Monday 2 October 2023

Outdoor chores!

 Cinnamon sure slows me down!

Autumn chores: washing windows before it is too cold, and water freezes on the window! With the sun lower on the horizon, it points out my work. OK, maybe today! There is to be a high of 24 C.!

Buckthorn berries, you'll find lots of these in raccoon poop!

I promised to explain my felting work. This package came from Amazon. I think, just like my other project, I'll do my own design. I can't quite form the petals.

Thank goodness for the translate function on my phone. The directions were less than spectacular.

Susie Homemaker, as my mom used to say. I managed to repair JB's jeans. I even had several jean patches in my sewing basket. All I can do is hint: 'liar, liar, pants on fire!'

The frogs are gathering in the goldfish pond. 

The colours are not as spectacular as some years. 

I spent the weekend working on outdoor projects. It's too early, but I figured out how to hang this bird feeder. Hopefully the bears stay away. They haven't appeared anywhere but in the forest all summer.

I did some of my spray painting for winter. It's a pretty harsh climate for metals!


Barbara Rogers said...

My windows spoke to me when looking out them this morning! Argh, they said, we sure need attention! Good job on jeans! Yay to feeders and no bears.

Anvilcloud said...

You are quite a do-er.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I'd be more than happy of Cinnamon wanted to slow me down! Your autumn colours are beautiful.

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the reminder to wash my windows. It's still close to 90 degrees every afternoon (and very much unseasonable), but when the temperatures drop I'm sure they will hit too cool for open windows quickly.

RedPat said...

I washed windows yesterday and then enjoyed how good it looked and wondered why I waited so long. ;-)

Divers and Sundry said...

I have a feeder like that green one :) I love it! I hope the bears let you and the birds enjoy it.

Elephant's Child said...

You have been busy. And productive. Well done.

J. S. Vila said...

What a beautiful photographs of the forest, with the big trees, near your home. Is so good to live in places beautifuls like this.

Vagabonde said...

You have some good fall colors in your area already. Your heading photo is spectacular. Here in the south, we’ll have to wait several more weeks to see any change.

The Furry Gnome said...

Gorgeous new header!

Red said...

It's nice to be out in fall weather. Not too cold...not too hot.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh Jen, is there anything in this whole world that you canNOT do? You have so many talents and skills and keep so busy. It is just amazing to me. Your forest is beautiful. I hope you don't get bears.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

LOVE your new blog banner. It looks like autumn in your world.

Washing windows is a thankless task, but I bet they shine when you are finished. Nice repair job on the jeans.

Patio Postcards said...

You have been busy. Great job on the metal flowers. Oh so very precious is Cinnamon. Mr Man was busy getting our windows cleaned inside & out. We left the windows at the back of the house until after the soy harvest, which happened yesterday afternoon. SO dry & dusty you couldn't see the harvester for the cloud of soy & dirt dust.

William Kendall said...

Cinnamon looks relaxed.