Monday 18 September 2023

Welcome to Monday

 We've had bad news regarding our local media. The Star, who owns Metroland Media, is shutting down our local papers. The Toronto Star is keeping on. We have wonderful, responsive local journalists who both celebrate and mourn local stories. Our local editor, Laurie Weir, will be out of a job at year's end, as well as many others. Meta & Twitter X, aren't able to share revenue with Canadian news agencies. 


The milkweed moths must be morphing into a new stage. They have been clustered on the plant for a couple of days. Unfortunately, a couple of assassin bugs dragged one away to kill it. Circle of life...

🌳We have a youngish oak tree beside the driveway. I had my iPhone with me, "Hey, Siri, how long does it take for an oak tree to produce acorns?"  Apparently, 20 years! I'm not sure how old this tree is. back to square one! 

Joe is trying with a walking stick. He had a couple of falls, and is being cautious!

🚁We've been inundated with helicopters: ornge helicopter Sept. 10,  whisking someone to hospital. 

Then, civilians: Helicopter Sept. 12, at 330 p.mHelicopter Sept 13, at 4:00Sept. 15; Sept. 17 at 10:30 a.m. I have fun trying to video them, and find their registration. This one is FSUE, Coywolf Aviation.

Helicopter Sept 13, 4:00 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

helicopter Sept. 17, 10:30 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Off I go. Time to put out the garbage! It's a tad chilly, 12 C., so I'll have to put on pants. 


Elizabeth Edwards said...

you have such great critters. we have had rain lately ...not sure how much but seems like a fallish day ...which we love. we have needed rain. hoping it will come again soon. but i think not for a while. it is not called for. have a super great week. ( ;

Anvilcloud said...

I suppose our regional paper will be affected bc I am sure that it is connected to Torstar.

RedPat said...

It is sad that the newspapers are closing down their actual paper issues. I prefer to read a real paper rather than on-line.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
We've definitely fallen over into the next season here by the Hutch. Am taking out the shawls and beanies! And having a walking stick is part of the territory for those of us less steady on our pins. No shame in that! YAM xx

Kathy G said...

It's a sad day for journalism, but nice to read that they will continue online.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Monday, it feels like fall here today.
A walking stick is a good idea, my hubby should be using one more often.

Take care, have a wonderful week!

Divers and Sundry said...

Y'all have some good fall color. A walking stick is a good idea even if we haven't fallen. I used to use a pair of walking poles but don't know what happened to them...

Jeanie said...

I hate to see local newspapers fold. It's really a disservice to the community. Maybe she can start her own smaller paper with just local info. At least she has a few months to figure out what to do, as have the other reporters/staff.

Elephant's Child said...

We are losing too many newspapers too - which I mourn.
During our ski season we often see/hear helicopters ferrying casualties to hospital.

Bindu said...

Yes, the temperature id dipping. Leaves are changing colour...

William Kendall said...

I vastly prefer a real paper.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes Autumn/Fall is approaching quickly now.
I always enjoy seeing the changing colour of the leaves.

All the best Jan

Far Side of Fifty said...

I don't read newspapers but my husband does. He subscribes and reads them online. Chilly morning here but a nice afternoon!

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a shame about your local papers. Ours went out of business about a year ago. Fascinating photos of the milkweed moths. Lovely to see all your trees and leaves. We had a sudden ‘rainfall’ of leaves earlier. Mother Nature knows! We get the local helicopter services over our neighborhood occasionally, sometimes at night. I think they practice.