Friday, 15 September 2023

Skunk report, et al

That was a bit of a shock this morning. I'd brought my indoor plants in from the outdoors, thankfully. They enjoyed being out, but this morning it was only 5 degrees C. Just in time! I put on the furnace today. 
The orchid is doing really well. The orchid was been repotted in June, and it really makes a difference.
You can see the cats' basket of toys. Cinn will hop up and select one. He is happier being indoors these days.
 Here it is today, compared to Jan., 2020.

I've been looking for another book series. It's just so much easier reserving them and picking them up from the library! I finished #10 and I liked it. (I don't like reading novels set too much in the past!) A good murder mystery, cowritten with a man and woman, which makes it better, in my eyes.

Also, I bought this book for Joe. It tells the history about deep sea diving, and the story of a deep sea rescue of Pisces III, from Aug.  29th, 1973. It's an interesting history of diving bells. I haven't gotten to that part yet, but it is a good read about the backstory. After the recent deaths, Titan submersible implosion, I was curious about this story. [
List of submarine and submersible incidents since 2000

I took the book to my new client's house, yesterday, but we happily chatted for three hours. I put on make up and did my hair, dressing in one of my favourite dresses, black, smattered in colourful butterflies and flowers. 

Last sightings

The milkweed is hosting Milkweed Tussock Moths. I think I've seen a couple of Monarchs, but not many.

There are a ton of frogs in the dewy grass. Leopard frogs usually stay in the wet grass, but the wood frogs like both the grass and the forest. They are getting larger, having been wee tadpoles in the frog pond and wetland, and headed for the hills. 

What with today's temperatures, they will be looking for shelter for winter. Tree frogs shelter and hibernate buried in leaves. Other frogs bury themselves in the mud in ponds. I'll have to check on wood frogs. 


I love it when a good hypothesis is confirmed. I first spotted a skunk out back in April. She ran by lactating, so I knew she'd be around. The den is just over the fence, in the ditch on the side of the hill. It is a perfect spot for her. 

I had the idea about strapping the camera to the can. Of course, it tipped over. I took the strap and attached it to a stick, with an old topper from the water fountain. Perfect!

I put the trailcam out the day prior, plus one more day for fun. The camera light didn't bother it. Now that I am sure, I'll stop recording her. I haven't seen her at all during the day, which is good for us! She knows we are here and tolerates us. We can all get along.

She had itchies!  SKUNK video 20 sec.  

skunk from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Jeanie said...

You've been on a roll! I love it, a good book series. And nice that you didn't have to read at your client's, just talk!

RedPat said...

One of the cats my mum had would sit out in the yard with a skunk all the time. They seemed to get along fine which seemed strange.

Barbara Rogers said...

I have read/listened to most Patterson novels...and can do it again a year later! Goodness, it's getting cold already! Ms. Skunk is cute, and you did well in setting up camera. I need to find new book me mysteries!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Skunks are not my favorite creatures...we have some wandering through our yard at night.

Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for reading. And critters. And enjoying time with your hairdresser.

Cloudia said...

Looking good Jenn!

William Kendall said...

I took a hoodie along this morning to work. It was cold.

Christine said...

Yes, the weather is changing!

Red said...

Lots to see these days with the season changing quickly.

DrumMajor said...

Cute Mrs. Skunkie. Glad she isn't around when you're messing with the camera. Linda in Kansas

eileeninmd said...

I do not mind seeing a skunk in the distance, just not closeup.
Love the cute frog , your orchid is lovely.
I have read all of Patterson's series on the Woman's Murder Club.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You look so pretty! Your eyes are gorgeous and I love your hair. I wonder if I should put some color streaks in mine! Have your read Sara Paretsky? I love her series with Vic. It's a favorite of mine now. Hugs!

Mae Travels said...

I’m impressed that you nursed the orchid to bloom again! Skunks seem to have lovely personalities, since they don’t worry much about being attacked. But who would want to be friendly with a skunk?
Have a great week!

best… mae at

Judy Biggerstaff said...

I used to read all of the Alex Cross series by James Patterson by haven't read the murder series. Your orchard is beautiful and the drug is cute. I would avoid any skunk I see but nice capture in your night video.