Friday 8 September 2023

Last summer patio meal?

I am watching the Lich/Barber 'Freedom Convoy' trial with some hope. These are the instigators and leaders, who told angry protestors to 'Hold The Line,' and encouraged the dirty, noisy, filthy, remorseless occupiers to remain for weeks. 

"The charges against Tamara Lich and Chris Barber include mischief, counselling others to commit mischief, intimidation and obstructing police." 

It is a trial by judge for 16 days. The high priced lawyer (💰 Lawrence Greenspon) claims we cannot refer to it as an occupation, in deference to Ukraine. Weird point of view. People couldn't get their groceries, medications from the pharmacy, they couldn't sleep, were harassed leaving their homes. Wrote Shakespeare, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.

🔥 The weather has been horrid for many, I know. We've had this heat wave. We knew rain was on the way for Thursday and/or Friday. JB suggested we go out for a patio meal. Most of the tourists have left us, but many don't close up cottages until October. We are happy to see them go. Loons are gathering in flocks for their migration trip south. A couple of teens were seen harassing them on the lake nearby, doing stunts around them. Freedom, me arse. The loons are needing all their energy for the trip south.

Wednesday, Sept. 6th
OK, dinner out. We took off for the patio, hopeful to get a seat. In fact, we snagged our favourite corner table. There was a bit of a breeze, which was delightful. We only saw a vulture circling and soaring in the wind. We shall miss the birds.

This was with my cell phone, but there were 3 Le Boat rentals passing by. What could go wrong with this? Well, there were a couple of disasters in the summer with one getting grounded, another staff put diesel into the canal. 

Here are three Le Boats in a row. You can tell my iPhone photos aren't as good as with my camera. I'm not sure why, maybe I shake too much! 

Here we are! Caesar Salad with salmon, and a hamburger with salad. 

🍁Autumn, bring it on!


Barbara Rogers said...

So glad you had a nice place to eat and enjoy all the boats! That trial is definitely going to be interesting. As are several (!) in the US. If they eveer happen. Have a great weekend. Hope it's cooler. We had some rain in the night.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Anvilcloud said...

You didn't mention yellowjackets harassing you at your meal. That is usually a problem this time of year.

RedPat said...

Not too many patio meals left for this year. The wasps have ruined a few of them here.

Nancy J said...

You both look so summery, and here we are, snow on the mountains, family skiing, we are at home, and a patio meal sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy those days till your colder weather arrives.p.s. great pics of the two young ladies, they seem to have grown up even more since they were here.!!!Mesdames maybe !!

Elephant's Child said...

That looks like a delightful outing.
Sadly many of the 'freedum' protestors are only interesting in their own freedom. Which includes freedom to be total jerks.

Cloudia said...

There is nothing as important to our freedoms and safety rights and security in our business and families as good lawyers. Believe me. If you have ever had the whole government versus you, you would be very very pleased to have a good effective honest lawyer. I'm sad for the canal. I have many happy memories of my journey from Ottawa to Montreal thereon. Thank you for sharing your beautiful place and life with us, my friend. Aloha

Red said...

Still looks like pleasant summer weather.

DeniseinVA said...

Looks like a lovely place for a meal. Interesting about the trial. I hadn't heard of it before. Intimidation is a horrible thing. I lived in a seaside town when I was 15 to 25 so remember the tourist season well. Happy Sunday to you Jenn!

Olga said...

Lovely spot for an outdoor lunch.