Tuesday 29 August 2023

Trip to Chesterville: part 4 – the finale

Thank you for bearing with my tale. I post quite a few, I know, since JB drives and I am in charge of photos! He likes to know where we have been. 

We left Kemptville, still not having had lunch. Past more homes. No parks.

By now it was 1:30, look at the clouds! We drove through a rainshower, and debated what we'd do! So much for visiting on Wednesday before the rain we'd expected for the next few days.

Then, we drove out of it and into another one, again!

By now it was 2 o'clock, and we decided to stop in Merrickville, rain or not. They have several nice restaurants, but we had our lunch with us, and the park at the locks is a great spot. Well, it dumped rain! You can have a plan A, B. and C, and end up with D!

This is what the radar looked like, which I checked when I arrived home. No wonder it poured rain. It wasn't on the radar when we'd left.

Eventually, the rain lessened, but still sprinkling, but we aren't made of sugar. We used the facility, and headed home through the spotty rain and clouds. 

The clouds were amazing.

This man had interesting vehicles, a kid bike and a wagon. There must be a story here.

We went through Smiths Falls, and spotted this flag. It really is shameful. It is not the first time I've seen a Confederate flag, a symbol adopted by White Supremacists, in Smiths Falls. I wrote about this in my Book Review: The Ku Klux Klan in Canada. None of these people are aspiring to be better than who they are. Nor do they want to learn about racism, slavery, or those who are different from them. They are normalizing white rage, and it hurts my heart. 

They need to read an autobiography about being BIPOC or LGBTQ.

"Whiteness pretends to forget its own name when called, and refuses to acknowledge its desire for dominance. White supremacy keeps stepping on your toes while insisting it was an accident"  - The Skin We're In: A year of black resistance and power, by Desmond Cole

Busted... honestly, all of you know how fast people drive on our highways. I cannot help but feel satisfaction. That feels better, venting. Thanks for reading. 

On with the clouds!


Tom said...

...a classmate of mine from grade school through high school was born in Smith Falls. He was in our wedding. After college he moved to Boston and came out and we lose touch.

Elephant's Child said...

The clouds are spectacular.
A huge sigh at the Confederate flag. Definitely NOT people I would want as my neighbours.
And yes, I am always quite happy to see speedsters pulled over by the police too.

Anvilcloud said...

On the road to SF yesterday, I was travelling 15k over the speed limit and cars were lining up behind me.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
A good record of a lovely drive! YAM xx

RedPat said...

It seems to be impossible to predict the weather. That feels like a long trip that you were on.

Barbara Rogers said...

Sometimes a road trip turns wet. Glad you had everythin you needed (except facilities) I am not on the road as much these days, and am evven having trouble typing. enough for now.

Divers and Sundry said...

We see those flags a lot here. -not as many as in more rural areas of Tennessee, but I saw a house the other day that had the Confederate battle flag in 2 windows on the front of their house. Offensive, but then I think causing offense is part of the motivation. I had no idea the KKK has a presence in Canada. That is tragic.

Jeanie said...

And here I'd thought you had a good day for your trip! So sorry lunch was in the rain but overall a good day. Seeing a flag like that is enough to mess up anyone's day -- we see them here too. Not many but enough to be a reminder that there are some sick people out there.

William Kendall said...

That flag belongs in a museum or a battlefield. Nowhere else.