Wednesday 16 August 2023

Stories from and around Crumbly Acres

 With it being harvest time for some people, the market stands are full. I love reading about those harvesting their veggies. We are happy shoppers here in farm country. I raided my two basil plants to make some pesto. It worked out really well. I've been smelling the plant all season, and in one day the 3 cups I needed for the recipe denuded the plant. 

 πŸ’‰ JB went in to the doctor for his quarterly Lupron treatment. All is well. 

This is such a shock: I read about Michael Oher in the NYTimes. He is the football player in biography The Blind Side, and has claimed he's been gypped out of money by the Tuohy family. They did not adopt him, but became conservators and took money from the film company, without passing any on to him. 

"Oher says in the lawsuit that he [Oher] received nothing while the movie generated more than $300 million in revenue worldwide."

As I suspected, Oher complained that the screen writer implied he wasn't very intelligent, which is just to add to the drama of the story, I guess. It would not surprise me. What is wrong with people? 

πŸ› πŸ› πŸ› πŸ› πŸ› πŸ› πŸ› πŸ›

Cucullia convexipennis Brown Owlet moth caterpillars, one big, one small! I don't have a photo of the moth itself. 

😷 COVID πŸ’‰

We aren't tracking this very well. Too much right-wing rancor, and ignorance and denial. The hospitalizations in the US are up 14% over the week before. It put 10,000 Americans in the hospital.

Locally, our health unit only tests and tracks people in long-term care and congregate settings.

I've been tracking numbers here: July and August.

I cannot believe how well this is doing! 

I managed to replace most of the tiers on the water fountain. The pump, however, is going, which prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. I was really careful with my foot, which continues to heal.

I have proof of life! Percy goldfish is still "upright and breathing." This is the best photo I could get. 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
WTG Percy mate... your garden on the acres is so pretty - and all the COVID measuring has been stopped here too and though doctors are reporting a rise in numbers again, it seems the gov't has no interest in doing anything about reminding folk that all the things learned three year back should still apply.... sigh.... YAM xx

Olga said...

Nothing quite like fresh vegetables from the garden or the farm market.
I had an heirloom tomato yesterday that made my whole week!

Barbara Rogers said...

Yay Percy in his little kingdom...much bigger than the tank inside for the winter! Hope he can fit there and maybe kind of hibernate. Friends who went to get the next COVID shot were turned back to wait for the next kind due out in Sept. Your flowers look so good!

RedPat said...

What is the plan for Percy in the winter?

William Kendall said...

Hello to Percy.

Divers and Sundry said...

The Oher story is getting a lot of press here in Memphis. He was never actually adopted?! But I thought that was the main point of the inspirational story :( And why is he at 37 still under their conservatorship?

Around here people are acting like there is no Covid problem. I'm still limiting my exposure and masking at the grocery store. We're not tracking cases either.

Hello to Percy!

Elephant's Child said...

I am glad that Percy is still thriving and love your garden. Fresh pesto? Mmmm.
Sigh on the covid front. A big sigh.

Red said...

Covid concerns me. Will it circle around and become very dangerous again? will there be after effects for those who've had covid?

Anvilcloud said...

I will keep getting whatever vax updates that are available.

Jeanie said...

Aren't the markets wonderful these days? I love them. I read an article in the NYTimes saying don't get your next Covid shot till after the new vaccine comes out in late September because it will be better formulated for the new variant. I'm getting pretty nervous. We canceled art camp this week because my co-camper Kate has Covid. We'll wait till late August or early September.

Far Side of Fifty said...

There is a surge of Covid here again also. We like to stay home but Dr visits are there is that.
I read about Michael Ohrr also. that he was too old to adopt but they could do a conservatorship so he could attend Old who really knows...I suppose it is a he said she said thing:( Stay cool!