Tuesday 15 August 2023

Lilies, more lilies, and frogs

You'll forgive me for more images of the Asiatic Lilies. It is a miracle. The season is so short, and fall is coming. The fence is working well. I am playing around with both my camera and the cell phone camera. 

July 23rd, I divided a hosta that was getting too much sun. It lasted until Aug. 14th! 

Everything is growing well. We've a fair amount of rain this month, and it is only half done! The nights have cooled off, and there is another storm on the way.


Out west, British Columbia is having a heat wave. Out east, they've too much rain for the crops. The wildfires continue across Canada. We aren't complaining about the rain here in Ontario. We've fires in the north, as well. We teachers spent so many years teaching students about Climate Change, reducing dependence upon fossil fuels, and all the Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle. It is defeating.

Enough whining. The froggies have taken over the goldfish pond. I haven't seen Percy goldfish in a couple of days. I'm sure he is in there, happily eating bugs and growing larger. Otherwise, he'd float belly up. I still have to find a home for the little one he tried to eat. 
We've two green frogs, and one large leopard frog who have taken up residence. 

My ankle is better, I hung out laundry.

Putting together a couple of levels of the water fountain, I got the new pump running, and eliminated some mosquito larvae. The kids are coming Friday for a sleepover, and to celebrate Caitlin's birthday, which is on the 16th. The girls go off to summer camp next week.


Barbara Rogers said...

We're behind by about 6 inches in our yearly rain...but we did have a thunderstorm last night. And more is expected today. Love the lilies. They are so colorful! Camp this late? Oh, you mean yours, I dare say. My Ohio grandchild who's still in high school starts back this Thurs.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Hopefully the rains continue to put out a few fires. Love the leopard frogs, I grew up in an area with lots of them but now, I have not seen one in years.

RedPat said...

It is nice to see the frogs thriving.

Anvilcloud said...

We don't have Asiatics, but the daylilies have been cut down for the year, even though there would have still been some blooming. But JJ was here, so we had him just do it.

William Kendall said...

The rain has been needed.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful lilies and I love the cute frogs.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Elephant's Child said...

Most of our lilies are Orientals rather than Asiatics and I am looking forward to their return. Sadly we are promised a hot and dry summer. Most of our rain is winter rain and we haven't had a lot.
Love your lilies - and the frogs.

Patio Postcards said...

Your lilies are beautiful. From your hanging laundry photo, it looks like one of the cats has caught something! I haven't seen a spotted frog in years. We get toads in the garden. August birthdays are the best!

Divers and Sundry said...

The lilies are gorgeous. The pond sounds like it's attracting a nice population. Frogs are such fun to watch. We're having cooler than normal weather here with highs in the 80s. It'll go back up, but we're calling this "False Fall" ;)