Thursday 27 July 2023

Wednesday was uneventful!

 It is great having things to look forward to. We watched Canada's women playing international soccer. I've a respite client Thursday afternoon. It is good to have a purpose in life. We rounded out the day by beginning watching Season 2 of Whitstable Pearl

I tried gardening, and the heat is overwhelming here. We had moderate smoke, which didn't help. I watered hanging planters, and filled the water fountain. Everything is growing like mad. We've beautiful waterlilies. Percy goldfish is in there somewhere, growing, I imagine. sigh. 

The Tiger lily and phlox are growing and the sphinx moths and hummingbirds are happy with that!
The berries are amazing. They are frequented by the cedar waxwings, robins, catbird, and life is good!

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It's been tricky keeping up with the Fearsome Foursome Flyers! They is 14 hours ahead. In Singapore, they bought these delightful toys for the girls and a friend. 

You'll recall the packing they did? Maybe not. This is their luggage pile for the month!

They used a vacuum to take out the air, and the Chicken Littles are flat as a pancake!


Making Chicken little for travel from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They flew from Sydney to Auckland Tuesday night, Wednesday for them. After our latest breakout of COVID, it is wise to wear a mask. Here is JL ready for a sleep during a flight.

It is tricky keeping up, seeing as they are 16 hours ahead of us. They have settled in New Zealand for the main part of their vacation. I was awake at 5 a.m. on Wednesday, and they were chilling in their accommodation. 

The kids are keeping up with their renovation via the photostream. The kitchen renovations are coming along!

They took a taxi to their B & B. They are all snuggly in their secondhand Vinnie's warm clothes!

They visited the Maritime Museum, it poured rain, and 14 C. weather! Ironically, we had a  big front move in, and it is pouring rain here, as well!

Lunch in the pub to warm up!


Tom said...

...your waterlilies want to take over the pond.

Barbara Rogers said...

Glad to hear you got some rain. We're in smoke advisory again here in the mountains of North Carolina! Gagggg! Doesn't smell like smoke, but the particulates are bad on my lungs. Love that last photo of your sweet ones on the other side of the globe. Those chickens deflated are cool!

Anvilcloud said...

Whitstable is ok. We're watching London Kills with some All Creatures Great and Small mixed in.

Jenn Jilks said...

Thanks for the recommendation, AC. We are really needing distractions in the p.n., but not too much gore, which is ubiquitous.

RedPat said...

Your garden is looking great.

Divers and Sundry said...

I've been watching the World Cup as I can, but most matches are only on cable and are in the middle of the night. I saw USA vs Netherlands last night. Exciting!

Your water lilies are lovely. I tried phlox this year, but it has attracted anything. It's pretty anyway, though :)

Nancy J said...

Warm clothes and raincoats, necessary after Singapore heat, most places between Auckland and here will have overnight lows of zero, maybe 2 C, or a negative. Thank goodness they have warmer gear now.Love your tiger lilies, they are a bright addition to the garden.

Red said...

We are at summer's peak and things start to die down now.

DUTA said...

Yes, Covid is still around. In Japan even the royal princess got infected with it. said...

Your garden is looking great. We've had rain everyday for several weeks and not very warm either. I like the chickens.

Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for peaceful days. Love your garden and am pleased to see huge smiles from the travellers.

Patio Postcards said...

Your Tiger Lilies are lovely. I am so thankful for the rain this year I haven't had to water at all. Now if only the weeds would slow down (col). I had a chuckle at the chickens flatten for travel.