Thursday 20 July 2023

Summer on Crumbly Acres

I'll get back to the Fantasy in the Forest photos. It was amazing, and you have to appreciate the artisans as much as the artwork! 

Here at home, the hops vine is growing. I don't do anything with the hops, but the butterflies and tree frogs love the habitat! 

I had drained the bird bath, since the water fountain is much more popular. The 48 mm (2") rain we had filled it! I plugged the pump in.

Summertime! I may have to trim some of those branches...

Horsefly! Yep, the mosquitoes are slowing up, the deerflies are crazy bad, too.

The phoebes have fledged! The robins have as well. 

There was a clever suggestion to drill holes in Emily's basket. I went for it. The pansies died, and I replaced them with another plant.

I have more daylilies to divide and replant.

Angel's Trumpet, Datura, or Devil's Trumpet?! It reseeded itself.

It is true! What the salesperson told me were cherry tomatoes – are Romas.

The goldfish pond is doing well. I snapped a shot of a wee green frog. The next day, the waterlilies were in bloom.

The orchid cactus is in bloom!

Fred appears to be gathering up fresh grass to feed their kits. 

Fred July 16 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

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Our fearsome foursome flyers are 14,900 km away in Singapore now! This is the view from their hotel.

They are all really good with chopsticks! 


Tom said...

...summer looks mighty good.

Anvilcloud said...

I saw on article on that place -- FB, I guess, but I didn't note it at the time.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh goodie, two families, sort of. Yep Fred didn't use to eat that way at all. Your grands are having a good time I can tell!

DUTA said...

Singapure?! Happy fliers! Interestting place with a lot to see and visit! May they have safe and enjoyable travels!

Christine said...

Love the frog photo! Glad they made it safely to Singapore!

RedPat said...

Love the hops. I should plant one of those.

carol l mckenna said...

You always have wonderful photos of your wonderful yard and glad to see the Singapore fliers enjoying with chopsticks ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Elephant's Child said...

Your summer looks much greener than ours ever does - and totally lovely.
How wonderful to be able to stay in touch with the travellers.

Cloudia said...

How much fun it is visiting you Jenn! Aloha

Nancy J said...

The "F F", by the time. they get down here to NZ they will have no idea what time it might be.Do they fly to Auckland and slowly travel south? They need to know there are a LOT of little townships,( apart from the motorways that are straight through traffic) that will slow down driving. so they might need to allow extra time for arrivals. Years ago we had a family from Maine arrive at our then B&B, and they had looked at the kilometres and thought they would arrive lots earlier.!!!And speed limits can vary from way before a little town, go from 100km to 70km then down to 50km through towns. And the same when leaving a town. Maybe they know all this, but to be prepared might be helpful!!!Love your summer garden.

DeniseinVA said...

How exciting your family is in Singapore. Hubby was there years ago in his navy days and has nice memories of the place. I am sure your family will come home with amazing ones. I am loving your photos and videos. Your area is so full of nature in all things. Just beautiful!

Jeanie said...

The garden and ponds are looking terrific! That hops vine is fabulous. And good idea about the holes in Emily's basket, even if you lost the pansies.

William Kendall said...

The frog looks quite zen.