Tuesday 18 July 2023

2023 Fantasy in the Forest - getting there

Fantasy in the Forest – Part 1

It was an hour's drive, but so worth it. They do a show on Sept. 2nd and 3rd, as well. This is an amazing drive, through cottage country. JB is the driver, while I do the drive-by shootings. There were lots of cyclists in the early morning. We left at 9-ish!

Pike Lake Bunkies – there was a fire here. A man had bought the land, and built a huge fence of stacked wood. It looks as if it has sold.

This I found humorous!

Everything is growing, some brown, though.

I like coming around a corner and seeing spots of colour.

We arrived around 10 a.m. and there seemed to be a lot of cars. We were directed to park, and then w hopped on a shuttle bus to go the last 1.4 km to the site. Parking is tight. They have had 4000 visitors in the past!

By the time we left, we were there an hour, it was packed. This is the lineup for the bus. 

The parking on other side of the road was filling up!

I'll include a map, since it was an epic event. I know our teen grandies would love it. They have another show in September, as well.

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The kids are in Newark, due to leave for Singapore July 18th, about 8:30. They took an uber into the city since they had an overnight layover. 

This is how they packed for the trip. They won't be home until August! Great excitement.


Tom said...

...adventures near and far!

eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a fun time. Safe travels to the kids.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Elephant's Child said...

All those people would do my head in. I loved the drive there though.

Anvilcloud said...

This is right at the park? It’s another thing that I have never heard of.

William Kendall said...

Terrific shots!

Barbara Rogers said...

Looking forward to seeing what all the hubbub was about. Great selfie of you all on the bus! With the world travelers on their way, their first stay was in Newark! A bit of a let down I'd say.

Red said...

Lots of excitement. You have to be able to put up with some problems to get to see some things.

RedPat said...

I wish I could learn to pack so efficiently when travelling.

DeniseinVA said...

Enjoyed all the photos Jenn. The drive looked fun with lots of pretty scenery and interesting sights. I would have enjoyed that.