Friday 21 July 2023

2023 Fantasy in the Forest – 3 and home

I left some photos for this final post. Here was post #2 explaining the event, and the one-hour trip through cottage country to get there. This is an epic adventure. We were there early, and there weren't crowds, or not enough people to make us uncomfortable. It is free admission. The show is on in September, as well. 

Communally-built mosaic dining table seats 12! So many volunteers and participants.

It is so lovely in the woods. 

The dog was quite proud of herself, her momma said!

I cannot imagine carrying this toad here!

Can you smell the leatherwork?

On the way home, it clouded over. There are lots of people fishing here. It is lovely cottage country.


Tom said...

...the Metropolitan sure is a throwback!

RedPat said...

Everyone seems to be having a fine time.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a magical place for a festival! Did you figure out what kind of car that last shot is? Curious.

Anvilcloud said...

It does look amazing. Well, not the trip home so much. 😊

Nancy J said...

I am guessing all the little buildings, archways, and anything that can be left outdoors stays there permanently, that table, what a lot of thought put into it, so many and people gathered to build/design it. The pine needle baskets took my fancy, loved her sign.No wonder this is such a popular event.And SO glad it did not rain.

Christine said...

Looks fun!

Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful event. Thank you for sharing some of it.

Mae Travels said...

You must have had a lot of fun with all those things to look at.
best, mae at

J. S. Vila said...

What a beautiful photographs of this kind of wood market. It is very interesting. I like so much to see this Green wood. It is precious.

William Kendall said...

Quite an event to take in.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Not sure how I got so far behind, but I have had very little computer time since I'm trying to get ready for our annual clean up on August 12. This year I'm cleaning my garage and basement. Tall orders on both, especially since the AC doesn't reach the garage.

That was an amazing craft fair and for it to be in the woods must have made it even more appealing. Lot's of different items than what is the usual fare for these types of shows. I've tried weaving pine needles into a basket before and that took forever just to get the upward turn from the base. I applaud anyone who makes a living making them.

That little turquoise car was cute.