Wednesday 19 July 2023

2023 Fantasy in the Forest - 2

The Art Show 

Jamie Brick is the host and landowner. He does amazing work. He was dressed as The King. I didn't get a photo, as he was quite popular sitting on his throne. He founded Bear Bottom Studio, and created some wonderful artisan shows over the years. 

There was a feature in
Our Lakes July 2022 (PDF)

Founded in 1995, it's been going for 27 years, beginning in a smaller location, with only 5 - 12 vendors. They moved to 1380 Draper Lake Rd. There are 10 x 10' clearings, with permanent buildings in some spots. They went up to 80 juried artisans, but reduced the number to 60 for a more cozy and intimate experience. 

This is Jamie's work! He built these structures.

The show happens near Perth Road Village in South Frontenac Township at 1860 Draper Lake Road, roughly halfway between Kingston and Westport. The community volunteers, and helps with parking, music, site cleanup, and parking. 

Jamie builds on everything every year, one of the artisans told us. He'll add structures, and rebuild. 

It begins at the gate.

These figures are created with wire, masking tape and glue of some sort!

Jamie's structures are amazing.

These two are characters, for sure!

There was face painting!

We chatted briefly with this Grampa. We agreed that you are never too old for face painting! 

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Our fearsome foursome flyers have landed in Singapore! It was an epic 19-hour flight. I watched on radar. We texted the odd time, as Singapore Air has onboard wifi. They are here for a few days before taking off to Australia and New Zealand.


Tom said...

...what a fun event!

Anvilcloud said...

It is amazing what some people accomplish ... as I sit here staring at the screen.

Olga said...

I would love to go to that art showing -- so whimsical, yet so organic. Thank you for sharing it!

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow, what an art show, full of fantastical things! I may love to fly, but 19 hours, whew! Good that their flight is over, talk about time zone changes!

Divers and Sundry said...

That looks like a labor of love. So many wonderful things to see and be tempted by :)

eileeninmd said...

What a fun event, I like all the arts and crafts.
I am glad your family arrived safely.
Take care, enjoy your day!

RedPat said...

Is there an entrance fee to go to the festival? He certainly puts a lot of work into it.

Nancy J said...

Love the art display, what talent. The "F F ", guess they'll be glad of a stopover there.

Elephant's Child said...

That looks like a fabulous event. Thank you for sharing some of the sights.

DrumMajor said...

Definitely a fairy land with goblins and spirits at that artist compound. Wonder why the flight pattern to Singapore isn't a straight line across the ocean instead of so far north and staying over land it seems. Linda in Kansas

Ontario Wanderer said...

One of the more exciting things you have written about . . .

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Reminds me of a wooded Renaissance Fair. Stunning art and great location. So glad you shared these photos, Jenn.

The fearsome foursome look really happy.

Patio Postcards said...

What an interesting way to have an art showing. A little steam punk seems to be in the offering (I like that). The arch made out of stumps & branches is something I would like in my garden.