Saturday 17 June 2023

Saturday's Critters

 We've had Fred back. I hope you aren't tired of Fred. I sure am! There are 4 burrows: under the wood in the shed, under the wood behind the house, under the lower deck, and the most recent is behind the propane tanks.

After a walkabout, I'd noticed more digging, and tried to shovel more back in between the tanks. The blackflies got me, even with bug spray on. 

Fred, I still think they are nesting under the deck. They are running back and forth, bringing leaves in their mouth.


tired Fred from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The rains last week were wonderful. Apparently, it led to a slug fest! After the rain, they were happy to get out and about.

slug fest from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We've still this coyote, with unusual markings. I don't know if it is mange, or what. I called him Silverback, just to differentiate him from Chad Coyote, which is the name for all the other coyotes we see.
These are two videos, from two trailcam traps, which show what Silverback is up to.  June 13

Silverback Coyote from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They are growing up in the bluebird nest box! I think there are 5.

I took my snake scope and caught a glimpse of the House Wrens. It is really tough to see them.

House wrens from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Saturday's Critters # 496 <= Thanks to Eileen for hosting! 


eileeninmd said...

We have Fred's cousin here, the burrows can be a pain.
Love the cute House Wrens, adorable.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Tom said...

...blackflies can take the fun out of outdoor activities.

Olga said...

Squatters in the bluebird house!

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh dear poor Fred. Doesn't make any sense to me that they keep digging more dens. What's wrong with one? I can identify how lovely lying in that sun on the deck must have felt. Pleasure expressed and received across the species.

RedPat said...

I love seeing the baby birds in the nest.

Mae Travels said...

Really nice critter photos!
best,mae at

William Kendall said...

Fred does appear to like sitting on your deck.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That coyote is very wild looking. And we have deer flies that bite like crazy right now. Love your photos and videos! Happy weekend.

Elephant's Child said...

No, I am not tired of Fred, but they are not burrowing here. Sigh at the black flies, which I am glad we don't have.

Yvonne said...

Love that video of Fred yawning and stretching out on the deck. Watching the baby wrens must be very exciting for you.

Far Side of Fifty said...

That Coyote is a pretty one! You have lots of critters! Sure hope that the firefighters get rain:)

Shiju Sugunan said...

I'm glad to hear about Fred, the bluebirds, and the House Wrens. Thanks for sharing!

Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoyed the video of Fred, he does seem to like your deck!

All the best Jan

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Poor old tired Fred is a hoot!!

Adam Jones said...

Love that Coyote.