Tuesday 20 June 2023

It is nearly summer!

Sunday, I pickled two bunches of local asparagus. After the strawberry/rhubarb crisp, also using veggies from down the road, JB called me Susie Homemaker! I was so proud of myself. I haven't been doing too much in the kitchen lately.

I have a ritual Mondays, garbage day. Usually Cinnamon and I would go walkies after garbage was out, since I was up, dressed, and would use bug spray. He disappeared. AND I forgot to turn on the coffee machine before I left. Terrible mistake! He did not come back in until the afternoon. He must have found his own breakfast.

It looked like a lovely day, and as I hauled the garbage and recycling down to the highway, I spotted a doe.
Look closer! She didn't stay very long.

Going out the back 40, I found a couple of Red Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrushes as my mom called them, the orangey/red ones. The yellows are nearly done.

The catalpa tree is setting blossoms. This is the healthy one. 

Everything is growing like mad. The second catalpa tree (below, left) has sent up shoots and is growing again. This was winter kill, sadly. 

The hops vine has reached the soffat. 

Monday I had a rude awakening. Outside the Muskoka Room was Pepper, our infrequent visiting cat, yowling. I suppose I jinxed it, as I thought about how I hadn't seen him in a while. Grabbing the video camera (I knew photos would be tough), I captured him leaving quick and sprightly. I had to look at the time, it was 5:30 a.m. The week had begun.


Tom said...

...spring went in a flash!

Elephant's Child said...

Mmmm asparagus. It is months away here, and I am looking forward to it.

Barbara Rogers said...

An early start to Monday...and no coffee to come home to after the walk! You have a few lovely flowers, and captured a couple of critters from behind! What are you going to do with the sprouting Catalpas? Obviously the roots are still alive sending all those shoots up. So glad, after seeing the huge tree frozen back. I've seen those trees as far north as St. Louis, MO. It was my first climbing tree on a playground at school. Of course I had to wait till school was out before I could climb it. But I often had hours before my mother got off work, so there I'd be!

William Kendall said...

Pepper has an attitude.

Karen said...

I love the hawkweed. Our front field is full of it right now. I told Mike we don't need to mower over behind the woodpile for now.

RedPat said...

You did well pickling that asparagus.

DrumMajor said...

What's Pepper howling about? Maybe he came for food/water? Linda in Kansas

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Beautiful flowers and a lovely deer. Your video had an error when I visited. Summer is definitely here in my world.

Red said...

You've captured the lushness of the year. It's a very invigorating time of year.

Anvilcloud said...

It's always pleasant to view your nature preserve.

Patio Postcards said...

Lucky you having the space for a beautiful catalpa tree. Mr Man would love one in our yard, but I fear we don't have the space for such a large (beautiful) tree. Pepper certainly has made his presence known to all.

eileeninmd said...

The asparagus is my favorite, yum. Pretty flowers.
I have been seeing deer here, and our neighbor saw a bear in our yard and recently my hummer feeder was down again. Take care, enjoy your day!

Bindu said...

Those hawkweed flowers are pretty. Is Pepper fine?