Thursday 22 June 2023

Frosty, tree frog, et al

I am looking for someone who could make me a new hat for old Frosty. He's a bit the worse for wear. (Aren't we all?! 😏) Repainted a several times, he may be beyond fixing. 


There is a wee tree frog hiding between the rain gauge and the railing. It's fun to see it peeking out.

The Hops plant is doing very well. I noticed it is coming up on the railing in another spot, as well.

Vimeo has sorted out its issues. If you want to see the goldfinch, visit it here!
I give you Bear! This is in the 'back 40,' where they skirt the wetland. Bear seemed to follow this path.

Bear June 16 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Fred is still large.

Fred groundhog from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Lactation! Both Butch and a skunk. I am so glad Fred moved in, sheer entertainment value. I am getting lots of traffic!


lactating Butch from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

She has leaves stuck to her foot!

lactating skunk from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Tom said...

...some days I don't feel as good as frosty's hat looks.

Ager Oliva AgrIcolture Company LTD said...

Grazie per il tuo articolo. Sicuramente mi aiuterà molto...

Ager Oliva AgrIcolture Company LTD

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Trail cameras are so much fun to have out, you never know what you are going to see! Then again, some things are best left unseen! What are you going to do with the hops?

Karen said...

you must be looking forward to seeing babies. I noticed our wee chipmunks scampering around today. Momma has apparently got them out of the ground tunnel and into the old woodshed now.

Barbara Rogers said...

Mrs. Skunk obviously already has had some kits. Poor ole Fred is about due! What fun little things there are around your house.

Cloudia said...

Are you going to brew beer with your hops? Yes, it is fun to see the little frog peeking out. Have a beautiful day sweetheart

RedPat said...

Baby groundhogs will be a handful around the yard. Fun times ahead.

Nancy J said...

Frosty, if that was a fabric hat, I could send one home with the family in August, but Hugh's woodwork might be TOO heavy.!!!

Elephant's Child said...

You see so many things on your trail cams I will never see. Thank you.

Christine said...

Love summer and all the greenery

Lowcarb team member said...

Aww, I hope old Frosty can be fixed.

All the best Jan

Red said...

You have lots of critters in the neighborhood. Many people don't have a clue what goes by.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Frosty's hat is a bit worse for wear.

Loved seeing the bear and Butch and the skunk. That bear was especially fun to watch.

eileeninmd said...

Love the old Frosty! The frog is a cutie!
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

Patio Postcards said...

Oh baby skunks may be visiting your garden; they are the cutest little creatures. I cannot wait to see videos of groundhog babies & skunk babies.

Anvilcloud said...

Always stuff going on at the Acres.

William Kendall said...

A good hiding spot for the frog.

Bindu said...

That skunk is big! In the city, we got a skunk in the front yard, on a week day morning. The whole neighbourhood was scared and texting each other to be careful!