Friday 23 June 2023

Crumbly Acres

The fireflies are still out and about. They are wonderful to see in the dark. Here is one in the daytime.

My new Pride flag has arrived, as well as the pronoun buttons. I'm sending them to Ottawa as there is a school friend who uses THEY/THEM.  This is why I am practicing using they/them for Fred. It is good practice if you want to live in the present era.

You can see the trailcamera, and Fred is directly behind the table. I paused my workout to watch them.

That was the last time the trailcamera worked. I'll have to think of something else. OK, it was the second last time, but I thought I'd show off JB's shiny new shoes!

I remember being in my 9th month of pregnancy, and just feeling like a whale. Jesse was 10.5 lbs. when he was born. Fred is so ready to be unpregant! I understand how they feel.


fred groundhog from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I've been spending many an hour on the back deck. With the solstice, my legs were in the sun and I didn't think about it. I managed to give myself a sunburn for the first time in years. How dumb was that?! 

Under the deck, the phoebe nest has 4 eggs.


Doing a walkabout, I found a red-eyed vireo nest on the ground. They have been all around.

🕷While the deerflies have begun, the mosquitos, blackflies and the deerflies aren't visiting me while I sit and stare at the wildlife. I managed to bring in a tick, it was a nymph and embedded in my hand. It was removed and dumped in the tick jar with rubbing alcohol. Serves me right for wandering.

The serviceberries:

June 20, eating the serviceberries! This is from the deck, through the glass. I was afraid to move and scare them off. They are frequent visitors.

cedar waxwings from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Yesterday, the robins joined them. More on that tomorrow!


Tom said...

...the birds have cleaned our serviceberry of fruit!

Barbara Rogers said...

When a local trans person wanted a place of safety to change from one outfit to another in order to be safe/accepted, our church offered them our sanctuary and welcome. We even have a sign saying we're a "welcoming congregation." But how many would know what that means anyway? I hope it's well known among those who need it. We have a robust congregation with more lesbians than gays. Nobody even thinks about their relationships, as many have married there. But the pronouns will take a while for me to get used to.

Kathy G said...

I wish there were more fireflies around here, but I understand that pesticide use has killed many of them off.

Anvilcloud said...

You seem very cavalier about ticks, but you also seem to know what you are doing.

Jeanie said...

The buttons are a great idea. I still have trouble with the pronouns -- too many years of being a grammar nerd! Love that sweet nest and fireflies, too.

I will never catch up with all the posts I've missed over the past week or so. But I'll do my best to keep up!

eileeninmd said...

Love that cute nest! The Waxwings are a favorite.
Take care, have a great weekend!

Elephant's Child said...

Eeeeuw at the tick. And yay for everything else. That nest is a masterpiece of architecture.

William Kendall said...

Blackflies are a menace.

Cloudia said...

God bless you

Bindu said...

The nest was so pretty. Your Pride flag is looking good.

Red said...

Well, I can see that you'd get carried away and sit in the sunlight until you burned. You have lots of stuff to watch.