And with that, the school year begins. For me it began at 4 a.m. Tuesday, despite being retired since 2006, since Cinnamon was out all night and refused to come in. By 4:30 I could see him on the bottom step. He had half a vole.
Shaking the food bowl – in he came. I could not get back to sleep. It had been a worrisome night with JB checking to see if he would come in or not. I'd captured a young fisher on the trailcam the day before and I was trying not to be worried.
fisher from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Of course, I found Cinnamon on the same trailcam at midnight. He was so proud of himself. He lobbied all day Tuesday, once he'd had a nap, to go out again. As if! He was grounded.
Cinnamon from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
He was out all night, little twerp. A large moth visited.
🏫 I always loved the first week of school. The kids were nervous, and on their best behaviour. There were lots of hopes and dreams. The anticipation was wonderful. Ah, the good old days!
Our younger grandies had the last ice cream of the summer – at home in Vancouver!

🎒Back to school prep done, our older grandies had haircuts this week, did some clothes shopping, some at thrift shops. Backpacks were packed with binders, duotangs, paper and locks, although loose leaf paper was in short supply at the store. Isabelle had to practice with her new lock. A rite of passage.
I spoke to Josephine (gr. 10) and Isabelle (gr. 7) who are now in the same school building this year. It houses both the middle school and the high school kids, although they are separate programs. They will walk together to school, the better able to chat. Isabelle has to meet her peers on the football field, she tells me, where they will be divided up into classes and escorted to home room. Great excitement. What is fun is that Caitlin and her two brothers all went to the same high school.
I texted both girls. Isabelle had a great first day and called her day awesome. She made a new friend. Jos had a great day and had a lot of fun. Caitlin posted a photo and said both had lots of stories and successes.
Oh naughty Cinnamon! WOW to capturing a Fisher on your trail cam - much larger than I expected.
He should be grounded.
Ah, back to school. I watched the kids in my neighborhood waiting at the bus stop.
I hope the grand enjoyed their first day of school. The Fisher is a cool looking critter. Take care, enjoy your day!
I would have been worried too. I am so glad that the first day back to school was such a success.
I was always happy to head back to school and see my friends.
i had never heard about fishers until I lived here, I lived in urban areas all of my life until CP. Now there are woods around, and I hear tales. I guess my closest sighting was the stuffed one at Wheelers. Glad the cat was safe or at least unharmed.
Oh the first day of school. Nice but not as nice as the last day of school!
Yes that's good way to describe the first day of school exciting. full of anticipation.
The first day of school is always exciting. So glad the girls enjoyed it and it went well for them.
Good that you grounded Cinnamon. No need to worry over a loved one that doesn't know when curfew is!
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