UPDATE: Burlington is still fighting naturalization.
"As a penalty, the city had threatened an astonishing $10,000-a-day fine until the yard was remedied to their standards — a notice the city also sent to the Barneses’ mortgage company."
"Donnelly also represented landscape ecologist Nina-Marie Lister and her husband, Jeremy Guth, in 2020 when the City of Toronto said the front-yard meadow of their sprawling Wychwood-area home needed to be cut back. "
"Nina-Marie Lister and her husband Jeremy Guth turned their lawn into a wildlife and pollinator paradise. But complaints from neighbours led them to lawyer up and ask the city to rethink its rules for gardens."
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I had a man visit us, asking if our house was for sale. His wife drives into Perth for work, and she notices a lot of deer roadkill. I explained that the deer have a large range, and wander a lot. It's safer if predators don't know where they are! Deer are crepuscular, and move around dawn and dusk.
backyard doe from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Said stranger also wondered why we aren't cutting the lawn. I love the wildflowers, and cut them down judiciously after they bloom. It isn't cool to have a natural lawn in many areas. A Toronto resident fought and won in 1996. Smiths Falls, for example: Couple's win forces Smiths Falls to revisit approach to 'naturalized' lawns. Where they are from, in Seattle, it is common. You see them from time-to-time in cities, but not often. They had a neighbour report them:
Last October, the couple noticed their yard was an item on the council agenda, accompanied by a 17-page report that detailed neighbours' complaints and recommended they be required to tame their yard. Council agreed, and an order was issued.
Many people have a war with dandelions. Not us! There are lots of lovely 'weeds' that bring the critters.
Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare) – many insects like it, even Monarchs! They consume lots of varieties of pollen, but only lay their eggs on Milkweed. The Bugloss buds are pink, then lavender-coloured.
question mark butterfly from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

bird bath splash from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
tree sparrows from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
...your butterflies are a treat to see.
The deer and the two birds are 'natural actors' in your video clips. The butterfly is beautiful and a pleasure to behold!
That was an interesting interaction. Having strangers knock on doors to ask about our property maintenance choices wouldn't end well here. We're a friendly enough community, but that'd cross a line lol
Even the little birds like privacy when having a bath. Fancy a stranger coming to see if your home is for sale??
We are getting a lot of birds visiting the bath in the heat we have been having.
I am so glad that you celebrate the beauty and the wonder of nature. 'Weeds' and all.
I love your yard. Wouldn't have it any other way. He's jealous.
Deer are very common around here in the rural areas. Lots more deer than people down in southeastern Oklahoma.
Lovely butterflies.
Lots of good things on your post, thank you.
All the best Jan
We've had Monarchs checking out our milkweed.
Thank you for maintaining the natural habitat
There’s lots doing on at yours, particularly now.
I love watching birds splashing in my birdbath, but it's winter here now so mostly they just take a quick drink. Why would a stranger ask if your home is for sale I wonder?
I think many are re-thinking vast expanse of lawns. We replaced the majority of our lawn grass with white clover; less need for watering, no need for weed products & it takes less mowing ... oh & there's the little flowers for the bees.
It's funny that I remember lots and lots of monarch butterflies when I was growing up. I seldom see them now. Instead I see a few swallowtails which I never saw when I was young.
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