Thursday 30 September 2021

Walkies with Cinnamon

 Fairly soon all the foliage will change, leaves will drop, as well as the temperature. I have to enjoy each mild day! Off we went. Cinnamon was snuggling an interesting tree. There is a large crack in it. I shall watch it.

Down he comes!

I paused to take a photo of the fungus, Cinnamon was curious.

The fungus and mushrooms have been amazing. We had a ton of them after the heavy rains.

The tree above is dead, the fungus is so pretty. The mosses, below, are a bright green. For now!

Up another tree!

Amanita muscaria var. guessowii, commonly known as the American yellow fly agaric

I found another interesting tree. They have fused together over time. Imagine, we have passed into our 11th year in this house (Sept. 15th). Think of the number of trips I've made through this forest and this is the first time I noticed this one. 

OK, back to the trek. The old birch trees have fallen. They make room for the young trees!

"Wait for me!"

Here is Nutmeg. The collar worked well. 

Nutmeg beat me home!

On Sunday, Nutmeg turned up without the collar. Twerp. Back to square one. I have another collar that I made for Annabelle, but not the tear away insert. She looked quite arrogant about it! I shall have to think this through.


Things have opened up in Ontario. Our particular health unit is doing very well, with 90% of 12+ people vaccinated, we are ahead of the other Ontario health units. All this with a dippy anti-vax, conspiracy theory MPP. Maybe it's our way of fighting him?

The protocols are pretty good here in town. Some are over the top, but what can one say? That gruesome hand sanitizer they make customers use is horrid. I was in a craft store, they insisted I use it, and they didn't let me touch anything, either. It was comical, but it did trigger anxiety. They were quite assertive. 

Anyway, it was time for self-care. I went for a massage to ease my soreness. It was wonderful. I headed home, and back out for a pedicure. It was lovely. Wearing my favourite Autumn dress, I had dressed up for the day! I'm booked for a haircut this week, too.


So, the hotel has hand wipes for after you push the button on the elevator button.  I haven't been in an elevator for ages.

As we watched TV in the evening, Cinnamon didn't want to sit on my lap for long. This is his fun perch. You can see Nutmeg's box in the background. He crawled into it last night.

Wednesday, Sept. 29th, I rose from slumber, let the cats out, and went to sit in my chair.

The deermice are beginning to look for winter homes. That's two this week, indoors. 

Things are settling into Autumn. I am watching the temperatures. Soon it'll be time to bring in the goldfish. Yes, Yam, we approacheth the time, but I hope I have a bit more time. The trick is to do it on a warm day, prior to freeze up. The furnace is on, so I best make a plan. 


Tom said...

...90% of 12+ people vaccinated would be a dream here!

Karen said...

My favorite maple tree, directly in front of the diningroom window, has shed it's leaves already :(
No mice in the house yet.
My neighbour was just remarking that we got through September without a frost. That's a first as far as he and I can remember in probably forty years.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We're still running our air conditioner. Your cats are so good, staying around and not running off.