Monday 28 June 2021

Gramma Camp – Week 32 Sunday Awards Night


It's official! With day camps closed, the girls are stuck with us! I think they like the change in venue, so we'll try to have some fun. It's going to be a hot week. 

We've a busy week for home maintenance. We're getting the big jobs done before our new driveway is put in in late July. Pumping of the septic tank, chimney cleaning, repair of the car air conditioner, inspection and cleaning of the house air conditioner and furnace.  

I went downstairs to bring up my clean, dry laundry. I dare not put it out with the bugs these days. I took my camera, in order to grab a photo of the robin on the nest. The bird wasn't there. Cinnamon was. Grabbing the photo, below, I dashed out and plucked him off. He was dumped unceremoniously in the Muskoka Room.

I knew what to do. Flashing, just like around the wood duck nesting boxes. I found the heavy duty stapler, briefly thinking I ought to grab the staple refills, but shook that thought off. duH. Beginning my work, of course I ran out of staples! Back into the garage, but of course the case was not there. I took the stapler with me in order to remember that which I sought. (My deteriorating brain cells!) Into the house. Not there. Down into the basement. Yes, it was there in my toolbox. I even remembered to take the stapler back with me. Ta Da!

They are here! The hostage exchange went well and they were home by 4:30. I put dinner in the oven. Josephine has virtual French Horn lessons on Mondays. 

After dinner (tourtière, cooked peas and carrots), the girls were sent to the living room until we were ready for the event. Grampa brought the surprise cakes in and lit the candles. One for each girl, and they will last all week.

The girls were escorted back into the dining room with the helicopter/school bus for the last time, Grampa making the whoop-whoop sounds for the last time this year.

There were graduation cards, and both girls burned themselves on the candles. Sigh. (Cold water bath is the remedy!)

Shoeless Joe presented some of his traditional knock-knock jokes. Then, the awards were presented.

The awards were fun, and included treats. 

1. Isabelle received an award for "advanced physics experimentation for proving a cloaking device." One Friday, on her to our car to load it up, she walked right by the car and went into the garage. 
2. Josephine received an award for "advanced physics for work on concept of absolute zero in relation to temperature variation in a normal spectrum." She declared that it's not that it is cold, but it is the absence of heat.
3. Isabelle received another award for "biomatter experimentation for disbursement and separation of organic matter from a solid object." (She cleans her dessert place very, very well!
4.Josee's award for "historical large creative ordering for naming of relics on low surface dimensions." She is continually challenging her sister to name all the dinosaurs on her placemat.
5. My award was for "support, encouragement and all round stories!" They both like my Gramma Stories!
6. Josephine announced her Grampa's award orally, for entertainment director, etc. It was very touching, and a big hug ensued.

grad awards from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Tom said...

...a house filled with fun.

Anvilcloud said...

Very creative and fun.
We have our AC inspection today.

Jeanie said...

Loads and loads of fun and more in store. I love this!

RedPat said...

Enjoy what sounds like a busy week ahead!

Cloudia said...

You are the best grandma!

Red said...

Good for you to make up a meaningful celebration of the girls achievement. They will remember this for the remainder of their lives.

William Kendall said...

It sounds like they've done well in a year that can only be described as difficult.