I have been sketching, finally. This one was inspired by these images. The two are from a TV movie, Hearts of Winter (2020) filmed in B.C. 

I went for my massage on Thursday, and saw 7 crows. They caught my attention. They were after an eagle! I did not have my zoom lens, so this is the best I could do!
This is from April, 2015, from my backyard deck!
...that eagle is a sight to behold.
Oh delightful sketch and wonderful sky and crow photos ~ Happy Weekend to You ~
Living moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Hari OM
Your sketch captures the look and feel of the source images really well! I also really like that first shot of the crows. YAM xx
Marvelous today, Jenn!
Crows or ravens?
I like the sketch!
Lovely sketch! You've definitely got drawing talent.
Crows, Red. We don't have ravens here in SE Ontario.
I love the whimsy in your sketches.
Nice sketching, JJ.
I beg to differ about ravens. They have been recolonizing southern Ontario for many years now. There are at least two breeding pairs within 15km of my house. From the Breeding Bird Atlas covering the period 2001 - 2005: "Since the first atlas, the raven has continued its dramatic southward range expansion into southeastern and south-central Ontario." Breeding was confirmed in the Ottawa Valley, and when we visit my daughter in Ottawa, it is rare that we do not encounter ravens at some point. A few years ago a Common Raven paired with an American Crow in the Toronto area. The offspring were dubbed Cravens! They were infertile so it was a dead end for them!
I stand corrected, David! I've seen them in Central Ontario,Muskoka. I haven't looked anywhere else and haven't been to your end of Ontario an awhile. I've certainly not seen any the 10 years we've lived in Port Elmsley! I've never seen one in the 25 years I lived in Ottawa, although we just trudge in for healthcare appointments these days, and I'm pretty frazzled during those. Another one comes up this month.
What a lovely sketch! Very talented!
Crows are going after an eagle? That sounds rather dangerous.
Lovely winter sketch.
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