Wednesday 4 November 2020

We had snow!

 We did. I quite like the change. Which reminds me, I should test run the snowblower. My sturdy SIL brought it up from the shed to the garage for me.

The clouds have been lovely. We had a skiff of snow off and on during the day Monday. 

JB decorated poor falling apart Bear. He's cracking up. He's lost an eye, as well. 
This is wrong. It was below zero when we woke. Stupid thing.
What I love is seeing tracks in the snow, here we are Tuesday! These are from Butch.

In the backyard, Momma Butch and the 3 kits. I shall not recognize them again, as soon they will split off from Momma. She'll have more babies next year.

Butch Momma from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Also in the backyard: a skunk. It totally ignored me, grub hunting.

skunk oct 31 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Indoors, Cinnamon hasn't liked the cold temperatures. He's taken to fishing. They think he'll feed them. I have to use the spray bottle and squirt him with water. 


Tom said...

...I can wait, we had just a light dusting.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Cinnamon is clearly with intent - the fish, on the other fin, appear to be not in the least startled! YAM xx

Anvilcloud said...

That is quite a dedicated weather display. Do you have your own weather station? I should know, but I can't recall.

eileeninmd said...


Yay for the snow! Love the kitty watching the fish. Take care, enjoy your day!

William Kendall said...

Cats will be cats.

The skunk is fun to watch. Just be careful not to startle it.

Angie said...

Oh, Jenn. I was laughing out loud at the Cinnamon fishing video. (Maybe, I shouldn't have been ...) I loved how Cinnamon was answering your questions!!! Very, very intent and at first not dissuaded by the water!!! Thanks for bringing a little levity to my day - I really needed it! Cinnamon has gorgeous coloring, and it made me miss my two cats even more. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Jenn Jilks said...

I bought the weather station for JB for a birthday, I think, AC. I bought it from Lee Valley!