Wednesday 7 October 2020

Book Review: Mop Rides the Waves of Life

What a delightful book! 

As a teacher, I always looked for books that gave kids the language and strategies to manage bullies, and negative people around them. This book gives that, and a strategy for coping with stress. It's part of mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Gifts we can give our kids.

The author, Jaimal Yogis, is is a surfer-journalist-dad, who has written this book geared to 4 - 8 year olds. 

From the author 

Robert Thurman says "Mop is the perfect cool character to teach children (and overgrown children) mindfulness." I suppose the newsy aspect of it is that it's a helpful tool for teaching kids and parents to deal with the big emotions - and we all have a hefty dose of those right now.  

As an aside, the wonderful illustrations in this book are by artist Mathew Allen. He worked so hard to create these adorable, water-color characters based on the stick-figure mock-ups I had done for the pitch. Apart from currently illustrating a second Mop book - Mop Rides the Waves of Change (2021) - I suspect the children's book world will see a lot more of his art in the years to come.

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@Barrie Summy


William Kendall said...

Good review!

Nancy J said...

Beautiful cover, great photo of them together, and " Mop" perfect name.

Linda McLaughlin said...

Sounds like a great book for kids, Jen.

Phyllis Wheeler said...

Now, this sounds like a very, very useful book! Thanks for telling me about it!

Kay said...

Thank you so much for this recommendation. I’ll remember this for my grandson’s birthday or maybe Christmas.

Red said...

Every year our district had a few boxes of books for teachers to read and recommend or not recommend them for junior fiction in the library.

Powell River Books said...

As an elementary teacher I loved reading picture books to the kids. The pictures told more of the story than the few words. I always stopped to ask questions about what my students thought. - Margy

Barrie said...

What a great premise...and title! And how fun that you reviewed a picture book! Thank you for reviewing. And Happy (Cdn) Thanksgiving in advance!

Sarah Laurence said...

Children's books about bullying and also surviving the emotional upheaval of these times are really important. I've found comfort in the sea too. Thanks for sharing this picture book!