Wednesday 2 September 2020

Gramma Camp Monday

 Monday was fun. Momma and Papa asked if we'd take them this week. We were happy to. The OCDSB, their Ottawa School Board, has changed its mind. School was to start Sept. 3, then they changed it to the 8th, after Labour Day. Then Monday the public was informed that they are having a few online activities from Sept 14 - 18, and online learning begins the 18th. Our girls are quite tech savvy, their Papa is an encryption engineer, and we often ask them for tips. I'm sure they will do well.

We had a good day, Monday. We accomplished a few tasks.

Josephine assisted me in laying down some flashing on the Muskoka Room. The hole, where the railing used to be, was dripping down and rotting the support beam. Not good. 

After that chore, Joseee painted the milk can. I'd spray painted it white on the weekend, and it was dry now.

I'd sent Grampa into town to fetch some new drainage pipes. This one broke as I was trying to attach it. I'd used it elsewhere.

I printed the two pieces off, wrote down the product number, and sent him off. My mistake was not to indicate it was Crappy Tire! He went to Home Hardware first. I felt so badly.

Anyway, he figured it out. Isabelle helped me install them. I had to screw it, to the downspout, and she took over the drill. "I'm good with those," she assured me. Indeed, she screwed it in, and we were good to go.

Nutmeg presented herself at the back door, dropping off a small vole. Poor thing. They take far more rodents than birds. I keep track, and it is 6 rodents for every 1 bird.

Josephine was coming upstairs from their room, and noticed a bat or bird flying about. It was a bat, flying round and round the basement. Having grabbed the long-handled butterfly net, I explained that the bats come in in summer either to cool down or get warm, and come in via the chimney. I think.

I asked Jos to open the basement door, which she did, keeping herself low to the ground. On round # 5 or 6, I snagged the bat in the net, put it outside and on the ground. It leapt up and flew off.

I went outside to put the net away on the front deck, and spotted a garter snake. Jos loves them and came running, but it was gone.

Our work done, all of us watched Black Panther, which aired on TV ad-free on Sunday. I texted the girls, and both wanted to see it. We taped it and watched it Monday afternoon. We were riveted at Chadwick Boseman's brilliance.

The raccoons are bulking up nicely for winter. 

I was happy to spot Momma Butch on the trailcam. She is still at 3 kits, from 5 in the spring. Not too bad.
Momma butch from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The fawn was having fun in the meadow.
fawn from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The bucks, as well! If you bother playing the video, you can hear the loons flying over head, stretching their migration wings.
bucks from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We're not beside water, it is about 1 km away, and they fly around some. It's so lovely.


Tom said...

...bats I'm not fond of, but those loons are another matter.

Linda said...

Our virtual school starts on Sept 14. Cute little bat, glad it is safe outside.

Karen said...

I don't like the bats in the house, but we're very happy as it seems the population has increased out and around the yard?
Did you see the James Brown bioPic that Mr. Boseman did? He was brilliant! A very talented bright light gone too soon.

RedPat said...

A busy day! We have had a sparrow come in a few times. Not fun - we open the doors and turn off the lights and they fly out the open door eventually!

Nancy J said...

If that was the loons singing, beautiful, then the loud sniffing, just checking it all out. Enjoy your week.XXX

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely pictures.
Our grandchildren go back to school very soon and I think they are looking forward to it.

All the best Jan

Kathy G said...

Both your children and your grandchildren are lucky to have you!

Lady Fi said...

Fun times! Love the shot of your bat.

Anvilcloud said...

Another week, eh? I wonder if the local boards will follow suit. Did some back to school photos last night.