Thursday, we got up bright and early, again, to go to the beach. Being there early means, a) a good spot and b) fewer people. We were there by 9:30 Tuesday. Thursday, we were a little later, perhaps 9:45.
What irks me are the smokers... they kept their boom box quiet, though.
People started dribbling in. There were two pairs of adults without kids, but mostly parents and babies, toddlers or preschoolers. I counted 28 adults and 40+ kidsby 11:00.
Lots of boats on the Rideau.

It looked like family bubbles, as grandparents and others arrived.
I watched the birds. Grampa walked all the way to Rideau Ferry, that took an hour.
We stayed mostly in the weeds and rocks, there was a good-sized fish we were watching.
Lots of birds about: gulls, terns, Canada geese.
The gulls all lined up.
More sand digging!
Home again!
Our poster for Momma. We were planning a celebration for Friday night, when they were coming over. We were getting ready. The girls painted this Tuesday.
Jos and Iz finished 999 pieces of the 1000-piece puzzle. Unfortunately, we can't find the last piece!
We were all baffed in the evening. Grampa had put his back out. I asked Jos to fill the water fountain for us, as I was doing spaghetti for us all. We all went down quite well!
In these COVID times, our backs may go out more than we do.
...a great spot to cool off.
Another fun day. The girls keep themselves busy!
Nice looking beach, around here they are all full by about 11 am, and parks close.
Looks like there is lots of space at the beach!
Nice family fun at the beach. Too bad about Gramp's back. I know it well and hope it is temporary..
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